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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-05-15

From mediawiki.org


Previous action Items


- Josh: follow up with Austin re: accessibility review

- Chelsy and Josh: decide about what's next for event logging [DONE]

- Lani: make ticket - "saved article fetcher improvements" spike in Needs Eng Sync on 5.8.2 (cross link with https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T193274 and add note about that "media endpoint also delivering image meta data which we could serialize") [DONE]

- Carolyn: screenshots for Natalia at WWDC (question UX issues we're looking at with navigationcontroller, etc) Haven't done this yet! Will do it today!

- Carolyn and Josh: acceptance mode for edit mode ticket [DONE]

Admin Stuff


- Cancel retro? yes for this week



- Quiet week for iOS QA



- https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/appstore/ - Metadata handoff. Changes to release process? Easiest handoff format? Google sheet? ./metadata/

- Technical spikes/5.8.2 scope closing

  • Article download
  • Media API
  • Maps

- 5.8.2 board review (blocked and waiting, in particular)

Action Items


- Josh: meet with Adam re: Austin

- Josh: fastlane tasks