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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-04-24

From mediawiki.org


==Previous AIs==

- Josh: file task for engineers to look at Andy's library(?), spike on 5.8.1 board DONE]

- Josh: meet with Aeryn re: data DONE

- Monte: check in with Josh about translation  - back to Josh

- Lani: cancel eng backlog grooming this week - DONE

==Admin Stuff==

- Natalia off 05/11 (Friday), then vacation 05/28 - 06/01 (the week of Memorial Day), then WWDC 06/04 - 06/08

- Monte at Hackathon (May 18-21)

- Carolyn going to Hackathon + then on vacation from May 30 - June 9 (and then off June 14+15)

- QA retro moved to Thursday 10am PT; note re: scheduling in general


- 3 tickets in Needs QA on 5.8.0 board

- Smoke test of 5.8.1 next week or week after? (Josh to file ticket when we decide)


- One significant crash ( https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/152731/app_versions/558/crash_reasons/216678437 ) pushed the crash ratio to 0.0012 (5.7.5's ratio is 0.0009) - mostly 11.3 users affected (~76%), could not reproduce it, 1394 has the fix

- Design/roadmap discusisons

  • Wikidata description is first choice pending spike/confirm with leadership
  • Navigation clean up part deux as second choice
  • Still need to meet with Corey/Monte on PCS integration

- Review 5.8.1 board for scope:

  • can we have one more week?
  • data spike start this week?

- Update on data projects

  • transitioning off piwick to eventlogging https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T192819
  • legal + analytics on retaining data
  • how to track cross-device useage of RL

- Ri: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T191785

==Action Items==

- Josh: translation follow up

- Josh and Carolyn: Apple requests for assets

- Lani: check in with RI about cross platform thing