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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-03-13

From mediawiki.org


Previous AIs



Admin Stuff


- Cross group coordination + callouts

  • get better communication btwn teams, specifically mention things that are relevant to others, stuff you need others to do, etc



- QA coordination



- Standup

- Reading lists user testing delivery

  • Mostly done, in progress

- Backend update

  • Reading List errors and unauthenticated requests

- Joe backfill status

  • JD finished last week, given to SR, moving approval thru process, should be posted this week

Action Items


- Corey: talk to RI about joint standup

- Lani: catch Anthony offline for QA coordination

- Corey: new devices = 12" ipad pro, iphone X, maybe iphone SE for testing

- Corey: ping Gergo next week re batch deletion

- Josh: Sync meeting - file ticket for follow up from api changes to reading list and objects

- Josh: File task re: calling reading list w/o authenticated user

- Corey: check in about traffic spikes (testing vs actual problem)