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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2017-10-31

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items


Josh to file the Reading lists data model spike/architecture ticket[DONE]



- 5.7.1 smoke test any time after tomorrow - Carried over a few "sort of resolved" tickets from 5.7 into 5.7.1



Celebrating Editor's Choice?!?

- 5.7.1 scope lock and timeline - Board review - Other issues/fixes? - pull to refresh loading indicator issue - Ready for beta/smoke test by tomorrow?

- 5.8 priorities:

    - Reading lists design
    - Segmented https://wikimedia.invisionapp.com/share/AUE8AFIVZ#/261342942_01_Segmented

- Single https://wikimedia.invisionapp.com/share/AUE8AFIVZ#/261342942_01_Segmented

    - API questions/data model thinking
    - Page loading architecture - Pause to create test/evaluation harness to ensure speed and data are improved/not regressed
    - Added some smalls and bug fixes to 5.8 board in Ready for Dev or Needs Sync

Blog post update (finalizing on Friday, should post early next week) Holiday schedules (Nov 10 is day off, btw)

  • Joe maybe taking off the week of Thanksgiving
  • Natalia to take off 2 days before Christmas 🎄
  • Anthony a couple of days the beg of December
  • Carolyn to swap 10 for the day before Thanksgiving travel 🚗

Action items


- CLM to add info from Corey's email back to Phab

Josh to file a task for measuring the page loading improvement