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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2017-04-11

From mediawiki.org



Previous AIs

  • Josh to find other tickets for “Article Style Control" [T109407 already found] [DONE]
  • Josh to set up a follow up chat with Anthony and Joe re: Instability testing [DONE]


  • Feed and image loading tests


  • Do you need Corey?
  • Deep link testing/cases
  • Spotlight local search?
  • Release timing for patchy boot
  • Diary study: https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/presentation/d/1lZ-J7NZ4560Dp25ktAhr-yQd3U2QR06Cw6ZNVNQ-7jg/edit?usp=sharing 
  • Josh out later this week, everyone has Friday off

Action Items

  • Josh to take next steps on the deduping part re deep link testing