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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-12-13

From mediawiki.org



Previous AIs

  • Josh to send Adam an e-mail about the appsy stuff (budgeting) [DONE]
  • Adam to follow up with Andy (re testing) [DONE]
  • Josh to look at the testing spreadsheet and update it where necessary [DONE]
  • Josh to create a a ticket for the footer stuff (dynamic type) [DONE]
  • Engineers to follow up on Page loading/cancelling slowness/image lazy loading [TO CARRY OVER]


  • 5.3.2 tickets in needs QA
  • Updated the regression script and incorporated some recent changes
  • Regression tomorrow?


  • 5.3.2 release schedule/status
    • stickers?
    • remaining dynamic text fixes?
    • feed layout/loading weirdness
  • Swift 3 update
  • 5.4.0 scope
    • Nearby tab (Carolyn)
    • Login
  • Trending API: https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/feed/trending/edits
  • 5.4.1 -> name?
  • Corey backfill update
  • Strategy update
  • In person/all hands plans
  • Accessibility Dev Session
  • Don't forget to order your hoodie 👘 

Action Items

  • Josh to comment on one of the QA tickets and mention that in the e-mail re regression testing
  • Natalia to set up a 5.4.1 board
  • Corey/Joe/Monte to talk re Accessibility Dev Session
  • Engineers to follow up on Page loading/cancelling slowness/image lazy loading