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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-06-14

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items

  • [JOSH] (Maybe) reach out to Andy about regression needs DONE
  • [JOSH] Coordinate with Adam, Corey, and Dmitry regarding Discovery DONE
  • [COREY] Get Joe access to the Apple and HockeyApp stuff DONE


  • TSG
  • [RITA] Introduce Zeplin.io tool and discuss how we may incorporate it into the iOS process.
  • If the whole team is present, talk about timeline for future releases
  • image issue fixed —API tests/review needed, also concerned there are "ios only" apis, which is risky
  • 5.0.5 regression/beta today —one week beta, want to be in store by end of quarter
  • please eat this dog food!!!
  • can we do some profiling to show speed increases in quarterly review?
  • the secret was notifications https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Apps/Team/iOS/Notifications
  • gonna point to notifications and nearby wiki in blog post and mobile-l email today or tomorrow
  • joe, still got work to do? feel free to work on the new tickets you filed, unless 5.0.5/webkit bugs come up (I'll ping you if they do)
  • volunteer devs on feature paths

Action Items

  • [JOSH] Send email about Nearby back-end request