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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-04-05

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items

  • [JOSH] Come up with some subtasks for the iPad epic - Nirzar
  • [JOSH] Create a ticket for nav changes that goes into 5.1 and assigned to Nirzar in Needs Design
  • New task and context for navigation. [NIRZAR]
  • PM/Design scoping meeting [JOSH, NIRZAR and RITA]
  • OTRS and support plan. What are we going to do? [JOSH]
  • FAQ is crappy [JOSH and MONTE & Sherah]


  • TSG
  • Deeplinks and Apple
  • 5.0.3 planning:
    - Text size
    - Language deletion/settings
    - Other tickets/issues?
    - Opt in vs. out and opt in screen
    - Other tasks in design pipeline
  • Analytics?
   * Sampling piwik
   * Longer term solution?

  • Josh schedule
  • Social media/tweets?
  • Research needs?
   text size
   (later) - Random articles

  • FAQ, how to video and tech documentation
  • Quarterly review slides
  • spikes in installs diven by "wikimedia.org"

New Action Items

  • [JOSH] Create a ticket for nav changes that goes into 5.1 and assigned to Nirzar in Needs Design
  • [JOSH] Come up with some subtasks for the iPad epic - Nirzar