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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-03-29

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items

  • [MAX/JOSH] Make the iOS-specific project tags
  • [JOSH] 5.0.2 Spike on whether or not we can still use piwik (volume issue)
    • Josh to do high level and then sync with Corey
  • [JOSH] Find the ticket about text-size change
  • [JOSH] Create a ticket for nav changes that goes into 5.1 and assigned to Nirzar in Needs Design
  • [JOSH] Come up with some subtasks for the iPad epic
  • [JOSH] File a ticket for adding sections to language picker
  • [MAX] Email team about change in Scrum Master scope


  • TSG
  • New designer
  • Scoping 5.1
   - Reader controls (color, size)
   - Universal links
   - Nearby with Maps?

  • OTRS handling
    • Filtering bugs from general feedback from feature requests
    • Weekly bug review vs release-cadence larger review
    • Alternative to OTRS
  • FAQ/Documentation
    • Let's make it useful!
    • Animated GIFs for instructions?

Action Items
