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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Watchlist/Design Feedback Frequent

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Watchlist/Design Feedback Frequent and the translation is 100% complete.


Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de la función “Lista de seguimiento” en la aplicación de Wikipedia para iOS. Queremos crear la mejor experiencia para el usuario y tus comentarios nos ayudarán a dar forma a la versión inicial de esta función. Por favor, comparte tus opiniones y sugerencias en la página de discusión. Agradecemos de antemano tu participación.

Si bien agradecemos los comentarios de todas las personas, nos interesa especialmente saber de:

  • Personas que usan la app de Wikipedia
  • Personas editoras con experiencia
  • Usuarios/as de varias plataformas

No dudes en añadir tu respuesta a las preguntas debajo de cada una y firmar con tu nombre. También puedes responder en la página de discusión.


1. Observa el flujo propuesto para añadir un artículo a una Lista de Seguimiento. Describe lo que re gusta, lo que no te gusta y sugiere mejoras si lo consideras.


En la página del artículo, se añadirá un elemento de menú "Más" a la barra de herramientas de la parte inferior derecha. Al tocarlo, se abre un menú que contiene la opción "Ver".

Al tocar "Ver" aparece un aviso. Al pulsar este mensaje, aparece " La lista de vigilancia ha expirado".

Una lista de acciones muestra las opciones de ""Vencimiento de la lista de vigilancia"". Al seleccionar un periodo de tiempo, se cierra la lista de acciones.

Un aviso en forma de tarjeta informa a los usuarios de que el artículo se ha añadido de forma temporal a la lista de vigilancia.

  • I think this is pretty straightforward. Just a few comments:
    • Instead of "Change expiration date?", I would write something like "Tap here to change the expiration date" so that it's more understandable.
    • It may also be coherent to add the 1-year expiration date so that we have the same options as on the web version.
    • Can't we also put the "Share" or "Watch" button on the bottom toolbar instead of the "TT" one (for size, color and brightness)? I think the latter is not used as often as the other two options. Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Agreed. The "TT" can be moved to the settings. It does really bring additional user experience. If the watchlist should be a central focus and feature of the app, I wouldn't hide it in the three-dots menu. 2003:CA:6F32:E400:89E2:CB1C:8E79:9B49 05:21, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    This looks quite user-friendly. As suggested above I'd much prefer a watchlist icon at the bottom rather than TT (which I use very infrequently). Would also like to see a one year option. MichaelMaggs (talk) 14:45, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Seconded. Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:42, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  • I think the proposal is fine, with the text change suggested above. I don't use neither the watchlist nor the tT option, so I think a «Share» button in there would be best. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

2. ¿Con qué frecuencia marcarías la expiración de la lista de seguimiento?

  • Diario
  • Semanal
  • 2-3 veces al mes
  • Menos de una vez al mes
  • Otras
  • To be honest, my Wikipedia mobile app use is focused on reading rather than editing/patrolling and thus adding to watchlist. So I guess I would use the Watchlist expiry on the mobile app close to once a month. Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I use the mobile app quite often and miss many of the features I have on the website. I visit the watchlist every second day. 2003:CA:6F32:E400:89E2:CB1C:8E79:9B49 05:23, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Therefore, I use the watchlist every day. Maikarnold (talk) 05:24, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The watchlist is my number one feature that's currently missing, and the reason I don't use the iOS app at the moment. If it were added I'd use the app every day. I'd use the expiry feature to select non-permanent items at least weekly. MichaelMaggs (talk) 14:49, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  • I’m a frequent mobile editor on the iOS app, but I usually just use it to fix grammatical errors or update citations, without consulting other editors. I don’t think I’ll use this feature often.Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:46, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

3. ¿Dónde acudirías para revisar los ítems de tu lista de seguimiento?

  • I would like to have it in the bottom toolbar. If there is not enough space, you could consider removing the "Search" button as its usefulness is limited thanks to the search bar at the top. By the way, when reading an article, I don't think it's very convenient to go back to the home page. If you've read several articles you have to click several times on "Back". Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I would suggest to remove the new button "History" and instead place the new "watchlist" button in the same place. Maikarnold (talk) 05:25, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
In the bottom toolbar, replacing the apparently-duplicative search button. Good to have all watchlist-related stuff accessible via its own icon in the bottom toolbar. MichaelMaggs (talk) 14:54, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

The bell or a secondary menu. And I wouldn't mind losing the bottom «Search» 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

A subsection of the notifs (bell) Most other messages can go on top in a shortened “main inbox” list. —Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:50, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

4. Observa las propuestas de diseño para la página de la lista de seguimiento. Describe qué te gusta, qué no te gusta y cualquier sugerencia de mejoras que se te ocurra.

La página de la lista de seguimiento muestra los ítems que has añadido a la lista.
Clicando sobre uno de los nombres de usuario se te dirige a un menú contextual con acciones relativas a la edición.
  • Okay, so that would be a crosswiki watchlist. Why not. But I guess you can choose one wiki via the 'Filter' button? The content of the "Filter" menu is important in order to customise the list (only IP addresses, for instance). Plus, maybe adding some web features (without making it too overcrowded) would be interesting, such as the diff tag, the minor/bot abbreviation... Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed. Filter would be necessary for selection of country, range of days and time, amount of characters that have been changed, and also the lemmas (if there are more than one changes on a particular site). Maikarnold (talk) 05:29, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Looks good provided that there are decent filter options. The use of spaced, multi-line entries uses up a lot of screen depth and will require an awful lot of scrolling, but to some extent that's unavoidable on a phone. Would really like to see auto-rotate to landscape mode, where the screen width can be more effectively used. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:02, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Agree with all of the above comments. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

Agree with all of the above as well. —Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:49, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

5. ¿El diseño propuesto para la lista de seguimiento en iOS se siente consistente con el resto de la app?

  • No
  • Otro
Yes, I think so to. This looks like a rather small adjustment, with great impact, I hope. Maikarnold (talk) 05:29, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:03, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

Yes.—Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:51, 29 July 2023 (UTC) [reply]

6. Mira las opciones de filtro propuestas para la Lista de Seguimiento. ¿Quitarías algún filtro? ¿Incluirías algún filtro que falte?

Tipos de filtro para la Lista de seguimiento
  • Ha! This question echoes my answer to question 4. FYI, the quality of the image makes it difficult to read the text. I would add a filter depending on the user status: not only IP/account and bot/human but also IP/bot/autoconfirmed/autopatrolled. It may also be interesting to hide our own edits if necessary. Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Same experience for me. I already gave feedback in question 4. All my expectations are met. Additionally, I would think that an option to search for all changes for only one page would be nice. This is only relevant for the most frequented pages, I guess. Maikarnold (talk) 05:32, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
These filter options should be sticky. Would be useful to filter on own edits. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:15, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I don't use the watchlist, so any proposed changes seem fine to me. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

I wouldn’t remove any filters.—Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:51, 29 July 2023 (UTC) [reply]

7. Observa los diseños diff propuestos. Describe lo que te gusta, lo que no te gusta y sugiere mejoras.

El diseño actualizado de los diffs incluye información "Desde" y "Hasta".
Al tocar un nombre de usuario en "De" o "A", aparece un menú contextual con acciones relacionadas con dicho usuario
  • I think it's alright. I don't know if it's included (it must not be such a case in the images) but showing the edited section in the diff summary when present is important, as well as the potential tags. Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thats all right and user friendly. To really provide feedback, I think, I would need to test it on my phone. Maikarnold (talk) 05:32, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
As a view of a diff, that looks clear enough to me. I may be missing something, not having looked at the app recently, but I assume there's some way (not discussed here) to go through the history to select the start and end points of a multi-edit diff. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:22, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Looks good. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]
Not bad. It gets my full approval.—Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:56, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

8. Observa las acciones diff propuestas. Describe lo que te gusta, lo que no te gusta y sugiere mejoras.

Las funcionalidades en las páginas de diffs permiten navegar por los cambios, deshacer, agradecer, ver/dejar de ver, compartir y retroceder (derechos requeridos)

Clicando sobre "Deshacer" se revela un diálogo que requiere un resumen de la edición.

Al pulsar "Deshacer" aparece un cuadro de diálogo que revierte la edición del usuario y sus ediciones anteriores consecutivas en esa página con un solo clic.

  • I don't know how it works on other wikis but on the French Wikipedia we make a clear distinction between "undo" and "rollback". For those who have rollback rights, it may be considered wrong to rollback edits outside of the rollback scope (e.g., vandalism). So you should just make it clear whether the button is "undo" or "rollback". Plus, for those who patrol regularly on the app (which is not my case), it may be convenient to save preferred undo reasons. Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  • Rather unclear how you get to this diff, and how to adjust it. What steps do you need to take if, for example, you realise you need to include the next edit within the diff before undoing the whole lot? I like the requirement (not just an option) to type an edit summary before undoing an edit. More clarity needed on rollback/undo distinction. I'd put the Share option at the bottom, as it will be quite rarely used by most editors. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:30, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  • Would be nice to have a menu, to jump and select revisions without having to go back to history. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]

9. En caso afirmativo, ¿qué funcionalidad de la lista de seguimiento de Wikipedia para escritorio o móvil mejorarías?

I wouldn’t know.—Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:56, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

10. ¿Hay elementos de la lista de seguimiento de la versión de escritorio o móvil que te gustaría ver implementados en los diseños? De ser así, ¿cuáles serían?

Do not have an idea right now, but will think of it. I think, I have not mentioned that I really appreciate your work on the iOS app and for any improvement many people will be happy. So, Thank you. Maikarnold (talk) 05:35, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Unvisited edits should be distinguished in some way from visited (eg in bold). Would also love to have the option to include colours, as in the desktop version. For example flagging up probable/possible vandalism, new editor and so on. Also, some way of indicating an edit that's been made by an admin (I use a gadget to add a blue background to their username, which works in other places too). Also useful are the flags such as 'source removed'. Grouping the edits by article, again as in the desktop version, vastly reduces the amount of scrolling needed, and gives a much better overview than chronological edit-by-edit. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:34, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Everything proposed here seems fine. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]
Seconded.—Jarrod Baniqued (talk) 04:56, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

11. ¿Tienes algún comentario adicional sobre la función “Lista de seguimiento” para iOS?

  • Finally the last question! Thank you very much for your work on thsis feature, which seems good! I think there is room for improvement on the iOS app but thanks to you, we're getting there! Antimuonium (talk) 18:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The only think that comes to my mind is. For the visualisation, it would be good to have the "Thank you" button clear and present; which is part of our community. Thanks again for your work on the app development. Maikarnold (talk) 05:37, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Not solely watchlist-related, but an option accessible from every page to switch to the desktop (not the mobile web) version. There's still such a huge difference in functionality that it's often necessary to go to the desktop to make use of gadgets or more advanced features. The lack of such an option makes the iOS app too much like a walled garden. Anyway, thanks for all the work you're doing here. It's looking very promising. MichaelMaggs (talk) 15:53, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
None, the proposal looks good to me. As a general feedback though, I would like to have a button to show the categories. Anyways, thanks for the good work. 16:50, 28 July 2023 (UTC) (wikipedia:User:Parodper)[reply]