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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-11-08

From mediawiki.org

November 8 2018

== Previous Action Items ==

  • Charlotte: follow up with JK re: discussion with Margeigh and Nirzar - carry over [DONE]
  • everyone: check that you're on the product-all list [DONE]

== Keep ==

  • Releasing stuff + cleaning up after ourselves
  • Releasing more often
  • maybe train-schedule for minor fixes, etc? (needs regular QA schedule)
  • Using our app everyday (as an user)
  • also editing eventually

== Stop ==

  • Having multiple boards open at once (I know I say it every week. Once we kill J and K we are SO DONE.)

== Start ==

  • Tea kettles for everyone. https://www.mrcoffee.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog/default/dwb238d188/images/highres/BVMC-HTKSS200-1.jpg can we put some of these in the device library?
  • Closing boards!!1 +1
  • Having clear bug log for open source library +1
  • crashes caused by libraries other than our code: put in phab task + github issue

== Questions ==

  • Why is OTRS??

== Action Items ==

  • work towards more regular/frequent releases (check in with QA process)