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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-10-11

From mediawiki.org

October 11 2018

== Previous Action Items ==

  • Dmitry: document new best practices wrt network, rx java [carry over] - still in progress
  • Charlotte: think about fun knowledge sharing for All Hands [carry over] - lightning talks
  • Charlotte: follow up with JK re: discussion with Margeigh and Nirzar - carry over
  • engineers: do code review every day, check comments - yes!

== Keep ==

  • Cleaning up the tasks on the J board. +1+

== Stop ==

  • Getting sick whilst travelling. Seriously.+100
  • Navigation redesign getting merged into the master branch and preventing rollout of notifications+100+87+
  • lack of communication, not keeping features in their own branches
  • not used to working with 2 releases at once
  • not aware of urgency around releasing nav

== Start ==

  • A somewhat more regular cadence of releases - and re-scoping work so we can do that if possible.
  • when start new release board and put tasks on it, name a target date for release and only take on tasks we're reasonably confident we can do by that date
  • helps w/ dependencies on other teams (qa, research, etc)
  • should check in with this along the way, esp during prioritizating meetings
  • this topic comes up a lot; we should think more retrospectively about previous releases
  • try this on the L board, see how it goes?
  • Releasing
  • Being on the product-all mailing list if you aren't already (email mneisler@wikimedia.org to be added)
  • check that you are getting emails from this list
  • Expensing a tea kettle for my desk. ;)

== Questions ==

  • Design schedule?
  • Carolyn filling in until end of year, Robin will start attending, Carolyn and Rita will be onboarding him
  • will be official in Jan

== Action Items ==

  • everyone: check that you're on the product-all list