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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-09-27

From mediawiki.org

September 27 2018

== Previous Action Items ==

  • Dmitry: document new best practices wrt network, rx java [not done]
  • Charlotte: think about fun knowledge sharing for All Hands [not done]
  • Charlotte: talk with Jon K about release stuff [DONE]
  • JK will get with Margeigh and Nirzar - needs further follow up

== Keep ==

The same stuff we said last time.

== Stop ==

  • Let patches sitting too long on the Gerrit.
  • having merge conflict issues
  • should do code review every day
  • Doing too much at once.
  • ++
  • too unfocused
  • stop starting, start finishing
  • 2 boards hasn't helped
  • before picking up new tasks, look at gerrit; check comments on existing tickets

== Start ==

(see above)

== Questions ==

  • Content issues and Similar pages in the current design?
  • for now put page issues in article content
  • What did the STOP item from last retro "Deviating from standard platform behavior (based on design whim decision)" mean?
  • Would like to have been there for the discussion as the one doing designing.
  • nothing resolved, just discussed
  • more custom work, more maintenence
  • Rita: decisions based on new versions, etc; proposals do include alternatives
  • if there is concerns about custom components, let's discuss more, earlier
  • Charlotte: we will discuss together how to improve process to review designs earlier

== Action Items ==

  • Dmitry: document new best practices wrt network, rx java [carry over]
  • Charlotte: think about fun knowledge sharing for All Hands [carry over]
  • Charlotte: follow up with JK re: discussion with Margeigh and Nirzar
  • engineers: do code review every day, check comments