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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-09-11

From mediawiki.org

September 11 2018

== Previous Action Items ==

  • none

== Keep ==

  • Leaving no asses unkicked.
  • Identifying optimisations and ways to improve the app
  • put updates on project page
  • document on wiki page(s)
  • Developing more expertise within the team by exploring new things
  • knowledge exchange could be useful
  • Writing clean codes

== Stop ==

  • Bouncing back and forth between release boards - it’s annoying+100
  • postmortem w/ Jon K, Margeigh, Charlotte to address specific problems with J+K boards
  • in general, problems around waiting for other teams
  • Charlotte to figure out how to deal in future
  • Deviating from standard platform behavior (based on design whim)
  • design makes something similar to standard but requires custom component
  • need to emphasize working with platform framework, deviation has costs
  • custom should be rare exception not default - create process to maintain this

== Start ==

  • Verifying design details are buildable before going to estimate tickets (possibly in design kickoff meeting)
  • figure out a process to go through this, work with Carolyn to guide it
  • meet together to discuss w/ new Android designer during All Hands week

== Questions ==

  • no action for now

== Action Items ==

  • Dmitry: document new best practices wrt network, rx java
  • Charlotte: think about fun knowledge sharing for All Hands
  • Charlotte: talk with Jon K about release stuff