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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-08-28

From mediawiki.org

August 28 2018

== Previous  Action Items ==

  • Charlotte - make sure there's a list of tickets to groom/plan and email to team prior to meeting [DONE]
  • Lani - see who controls OTRS and look into adding templates [not done]
  • Charlotte - follow up with Corey re: testing
  • Lani - Add edit-a-thon to offsite schedule [DONE]

== Keep ==

  • Doing performance experiment +
  • check everytime we do a new feature
  • exploring new stuff in our ecosystem+
  • keep testing our assumptions, stay on top of new google things, etc
  • Meeting in person is productive

== Stop ==

  • none

== Start ==

  • Doing user review on Fridays instead of Monday +1
  • everyone can move their Chore Wheel as needed
  • user testing :P
  • more lead time, re-use forms next time
  • (re-start) exploring improving animations and transitions in the app
  • this tends to get cut in scope but does make for a better experience
  • maybe move up tickets from UX Backlog

== Questions ==

  • none

== Action Items ==

  • none