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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-05-29

From mediawiki.org

May 29, 2018

== Previous Retrospective Actions ==

  • Lani and Max: Bump original thread with instructions to add Deadline form to Star menu [DONE]
  • Dmitry to write a new paragraph on wiki page about best practices re: ConstraintLayout [just need to put on wiki]
  • Dmitry: Schedule one-off meeting to discuss what was learned at Google I/O [TO DO]
  • Maybe invite Volker and Jon Robson, or at least note what we might want to discuss with them later

== Keep ==

* good velocity

- Pinging Design on ready for sign-off items+

- Increased velocity

== Stop ==

== Start ==

  • Move to Github (recently)
  • Upload alpha APK to the Google Play service
  • Explore adding animations and transitions into the app
  • Prepping the app for nav overhaul

== Questions ==

== Action Items ==

  • Dmitry: create task for prepping app for nav overhaul