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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-02-13

From mediawiki.org

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Charlotte: Archive old retros CARRIED OVER
  • Charlotte: make a column for collecting tasks that need regression tests added NEW ACTION ITEM
  • Charlotte: Figure out who ought to be the owner for updating regression testing in the future NEW ACTION ITEM
  • Rita: Update regression list, we need a line item for every test, especially with stuff about new features (e.g., feed) NEW ACTION ITEM
  • Dmitry: update https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T176860 with framework for full-screen tests (maybe also update title of the ticket) DONE
    • Specify the thing we want to test it on
  • Charlotte: Extend standup meetings everyday (was previously an short-term experiment), invite Corey and Rita DONE

Significant Events

  • Intermediate release released!+ \o/ \o/


  • Time to get done the 570,000 things in my Trello list
  • Movement on reading list sync


  • The vagaries of why the app hasn't been promoted over the last year


  • Intermediate release out, off our backs, so we can move on to the reading list sync stuff
  • Moving to github in the works
  • Got some tentative commitment to move forward with larger app marketing efforts

Longed For

+ Updated FAQs in general
  • More syncing on what's happening on RL sync b/t Android and iOS teams, and with QA.



Action Items

  • Charlotte: Archive old retros
  • Charlotte to talk with Anthony about how to handle adding regression tests (Does a column make sense? Who has ultimate ownership of this work? Can Anthony take Rita's outline and flesh it out more?)
  • Dmitry to investigate ways to measure performance hits on individual patches etc
  • Charlotte to review and update en FAQs
    • translate wiki?
  • Cooltey to review and update zh FAQs
    • translate wiki?
  • Charlotte and Rita to do a post-mortem on the issue of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T184780 ticket with Anthony
  • Rita to talk with Joe about why he needed to ask questions about RL sync ticket