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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2017-08-29

From mediawiki.org

Previous Retrospective Actions


?Team to go through regression test cases and sort them by priority send the QA e-mail first DONE Josh & Natalia to put together an e-mail for Anthony re assignment of QA tasks CARRY OVER (check) Natalia to send out the Actions e-mail DONE

Significant Events


- Production release & emergency hotfix update - Sharvani and Cooltey joined us 🎉++ - solar eclipse 🌞 - offline library user testing underway 🤞



- a sense of coordination between product & eng on the vision for ZIMs/compilections/Offline Library +



- tensorflow + image classifiers



- sustained good velocity

Longed For




- ownership / management of page-library? + - status of discussions re generic MW app?

Action items


Dmitry to ping Chris Koerner about the MW app Check-in w Corey next Retro about ownership of current (eg footer) and future page-library work After user testing, re-discuss what the plans are, in light if the new info & how we should approach dicussions with Kiwix