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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2016-11-04

From mediawiki.org

November 4, 2016



Previous Retrospective Actions

  • get firm answer on W0 notifications (dmitry) DONE
  • share data on feed/overhaul engagement (dmitry) DONE
  • Michael to do next beta release (michael) DONE

Velocity Update

  • 42.5 commitment vs 38.5 completion
  • Added 5 points total over the course of the sprint

Significant Events

  • First description(s) edited from app
  • Kind of a heads down sprint. I don't think we had a lot of big events as would be reported in major newspapers.
  • Cubs took a vacation


  • Clarity on scheduling for Rita
  • Schedule update:
    • Move grooming meeting to a different timeslot (not before MCS deployments, please, bundle with another meeting, like right after standup)


  • A better pattern for data clients and how to write unit tests for them+


  • Rita has joined+++
  • The trending edits endpoint seems to be coming along at a good pace
  • velocity
  • DB stepping up the PO game with email updates and general coordination
  • No MCS emergencies
  • No app emergencies
  • Lots of good tests
  • Refactoring of a significant portion of legacy networking code
    • general focus on quality
  • Lot of tech debt got done even if it isn't super well tracked

Longed For

  • a bit more community feedback on Wikidata descriptions


  • question from prioritization meeting: just agile curious, when is the sprint cutoff point for descoping without penalty?
  • MB: Are we getting anything out of Combined Apps Standup?

Action Items

  • [MICHAEL, STEPHEN] Get password for true crypt volume
  • [MAX] Reschedule grooming (around other rescheduling)
  • [MICHAEL] Make a spike ticket to explore the retrofit-mock module's networking error mocking capabilities and add more error cases to unit tests
  • [MAX] Reach out to Josh about shifting from traditional Scrum to a release-board or kanban-esque model


