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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2016-08-25

From mediawiki.org



August 25, 2016

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • [MAX] Make phab cards for action items (column on backlog?) DONE
  • [MAX] Schedule followup meeting to discuss Nicholas' regression script DONE
  • [MONTE/JOSH/COREY] Give a regression test example to TSG ahead of above meeting w/TSG
  • [JOSH/MAX] Explore how to identify cards that are for the coming beta, specifically the release candidate (tags? meeting agenda?) DONE
  • [JOSH/MAX] Talk 1:1 about how to handle OTRS, App Store Reviews, and Social Media. Chore wheel? DONE
    • Also, highlight the debt incurred by assigning devs etc
  • [MAX] Find a home for retro on calendar DONE
  • [JOSH] Look into OTRS filters/queueing to Make OTRS Great Again
    • Ping Keegan (subject lines for subqueues?)

What's going well?

  • Stars oh god the stars
  • 5.1 Beta / Development
  • Got Nearby card into 5.1 at the 11th hour - go team
  • Featured!
  • Making good progress with Services - have 2 new APIs in the queue for us over the next couple months+1

What's not going well?

  • Developing in a black hole for long periods of time - Corey misses the sun☀️
  • Apple is not helpful🍏☠️
  • New More like service - political vs practical💯👍
  • Web more like changes - what is expected🌍💯👍🐢


  • We've considered options for looking at coming beta. There's added overhead. Is this something we really need?
    • Can we review why we need to know what is going to be in the next beta?
  • Column for [Action Item] Phab tasks (need a place to triage)?
    • Tag would be weirdly redundant

Action Items


[MAX] Get together with Monte and Josh to figure out next steps for wiki-fying regression, untie knots around multiple documentations

  • [JOSH] Look into OTRS filters/queueing to Make OTRS Great Again
    • Ping Keegan (subject lines for subqueues?)
  • [COREY] Reach out to JK about Web more like changes - what is expected? Get shared understanding so that we can iterate.