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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2015-09-02

From mediawiki.org

This page contains a retro for iOS that was held a few days earlier than the date listed.



September 2, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Team to handle more of it's own QA, and own decision on whether or not a task needs Elena's eyes
    • AB: Team could use budget to leverage specialist's guild DONE/ONGOING
  • Action! Let's talk about crash reporting [MAX to start an email thread] MICHAEL/DONE
  • Action! Weekly meeting with Design/PO to hash out sprint needs [MAX/DMITRY]

Worked Well

  • Good RESTBase service discussions.
  • Planning and announcing the sunsetting of GB active development
  • excellent contribs to RESTbase by Android team
  • fast turnaround on Google UX review
  • Dmitry and Max's shirts sync+

Worked Poorly

  • DB's bandwidth during strategy planning :(
  • Some of the RESTBase cards took longer than expected. For example, no localization framework in place and lots of new territory.
  • Max's Gmail filter's had a hard time refreshing and I missed all the gossip

Confuses Us

  • Swagger models vs Schema.org models. The latter is a huge database of well define API models, the former seem to be four examples. Am I missing something? Didn't get any clarity on this in the threads / code review.
  • Some of the RESTBase modules seem like they me replaced with NPM packages.
  • Still a little confused on why we have event logging AND hive. It seems like it should be one or the other.
  • Feel a little in the dark about the ultimate offering provided by RESTBase API. It seems like we should make a list of the endpoints, requests, and responses we want and work backwards. Feels a little too organic and not tied into something concrete.

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us":



Action Items

  • Action! Question for Bernd and services folks: What do we want at the end of the day, a high level structure in mind for the API and the output of the service?
    • Action! Android team to meet and discuss to avoid reinventing the wheel, plan the structure [MICHAEL TO LIAISE W/SERVICES]



August 28, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Calculate velocity now that we have the equivalent of three 2-week sprints of data [MAX] NOT YET READY
    • Clarify with team what is actually done-done, and what still needs to be addressed.
  • Action! Brian and Monte can come to Design Reviews [MAX]
    • Carve out some time for interaction issues for this meeting.
    • BG: We went!
  • Action! Break up Design review for iOS/Android [VIBHA/MAX] DONE
  • Action! Meeting notes from Design Review: why decisions were made around design [VIBHA/COREY] SKIPPED
    • When we do things, how long they take.
  • Action! Create a new column for "In QA"? [MAX] SKIPPED
    • Not gonna, since YAGNI once QA starts again & we get out of No QA Valley
  • Action! Email "Lack of repro steps or examples in Phab tickets/bugs" issue for email convo [MAX] DONE

Worked Well

  • BG: Visual tests!
    • MURD: I've been really liking these. One just caught a bug with a pull request I submitted today in fact
  • BG: Monte's new IRC moniker: Murd
  • Got clarification on QA for AB and JK
  • MURD: Things with 5.0 are beginning to look more polished
  • BG: integrating kaity more w/ the team! +1


Worked Poorly

  • BG: Broken tests (https://github.com/wikimedia/wikipedia-ios/pull/99) but Travis worked well in that it caught them!
  • BG: Feeling like we haven't had a "victory" in a couple months. Let's ship something soon!
  • Occasional "tire spinning" on tickets
  • BG: Dev pace (not sure what determining factor is here)? (number of new bugs in the app)
  • Tropical Shirt Fridays are not yet ratchet

Confuses Us

  • BG: Quality in 5.0. In a nutshell, when can we start requiring tests w/ patches & being more strict w.r.t. architectures etc.
    • Admittedly, probably just need to gel more as a team as we hit our stride
  • BG: Whether we would benefit from having more discrete tasks (e.g. recent section work)

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us"



Actions Items

  • Action! Breakdown tickets larger than 3 points.
    • During Estimation, if things are looking large (5+) let's see if it can be made smaller
  • Action! Celebrate BETAs more!
  • Action! Get Corey a conductor's hat
  • Action! Start thinking about data-driven retros, how we can use data to make better decisions/experiments