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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Communication/UsertestingJuly2021/ja

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Communication/UsertestingJuly2021 and the translation is 83% complete.








  • ユーザーにアプリ内で通知を確認するよう促した時、ユーザーはどこをクリックするか。
  • 提示されている通知の様々なエントリーポイントの発見可能性はどれほどか(どれほど見つけやすいか)を探る。
  • 利用者は、プッシュ通知を無効にしている利用者と比較して、プッシュ通知を有効にするとどのようなフローおよび挙動を期待しているか。
  • ユーザーは、受信箱をクリックした際と比較して、ベルをクリックした際には何が表示されると期待しているか、およびその代わりに1つの方法のみで通知を行うことのデメリットは何か。
  • ユーザーは、ユーザートークページの要素が通知センターに含まれるべきであると考えているか。



バージョンA 👇

変種 A = アプリ バーに通知ベル(これが現在推奨されているデザインです)


  • ここではアプリ全体にポジション設定を適用できます
  • 他のプラットフォーム(デスクトップ、モバイル)と一貫性があります


  • 検索フィールドが小さくなります
  • タブおよび通知が誤解を生む可能性があります

変種 B 👇

変種 B = 通知一覧項目をオーバーフロー メニューに追加


  • オーバーフローメニューに1つ項目を加えるだけで済みます
  • ウォッチリスト、ユーザープロフィール、履歴、または通知など、リンクを用いて拡張することもできます


  • 機能が不明瞭な「さらに表示」ボタンをタップしないと通知が得られません(ハンバーガーナビゲーションアイコンと同様の問題)

変種 C 👇

変種 C = 一貫性のあるアプリ内ナビゲーション (記事からツールバーを削除)


  • アプリを通して一貫性のあるナビゲーションなので、ユーザーはどこで機能を探せばいいのか常に把握できます
  • 「さらに表示」メニュー(右上)は、表示内容に関連する項目のみを表示します(例えば、記事の場合はリンク共有、ウォッチリスト追加、トークページ閲覧、編集履歴閲覧など)


  • 記事ビューの「さらに表示」メニューは機能が多すぎて肥大しており、AndroidのChromeのように全てを隠してしまっており、これは良い情報構成と言えるでしょうか。
  • ユーザビリティーテストに基づいて記事ビューに大幅な改良を行ったので、このアプローチには躊躇しています







  • A)通知をwikiの言語ごとに素早くフィルタリングする機能(例:スウェーデン語版Wikipedia、韓国語版Wikipedia)
  • B)通知をプロジェクトごとに素早くフィルタリングする機能(例:Wikipedia、Commons、Wikidata)
  • C)通知をタイプごとに素早くフィルタリングする機能(例:メンション付きのもののみ表示)
  • D)通知のグループ化(例:記事編集に「ありがとう」のメッセージを複数受け取った場合はグループ化する)
  • E)新規およびアーカイブ済みの通知の検索機能
  • F)通知設定の向上、例えばどの通知を受け取るかを細かく設定する機能(以下の第7問をご覧ください)
  • G)ウォッチリストの通知
  • H)左スワイプ/右スワイプの動作のカスタマイズ機能(例:Gmail → 設定 → 全般設定 → スワイプの動作)
  • I)アーカイブ済みの通知に簡単にアクセスできる機能












We received feedback from an English Wikipedia editor, Arabic Wikipedia editor, and Indonesian Wikipedia editor.

1) Variant A is the winner The first question we wanted to understand which icon was better for discoverability. Our Arabic and English users chose A (Bell Icon top right) as their first choice, and our Indonesian user chose A as their second choice. B (top right overflow menu) was the first choice for the Indonesian user, the second for the English Wikipedia editor and the third choice for the Arabic user. C (Bottom navigation) was ranked second, and the last choice for our Indonesian and English Wikipedia user.

2) Bell Icon is the winner

All three users associate the bell icon for notifications. The inbox was understood as a link to messages. The person iconography was associated with a profile, user page or ping.

3) We are going ahead with our assumptions made in T288064, as the consistent notifications that were prioritized by respondents were: mentions, talk page messages, email from other users, edit reverts and user right changes.

4) All respondents were in favor of the idea of having mentions separately and that mentioned they would appreciate some sort of grouping within the 'All' tab

   The idea of separating the notification types on the Android app is a good one. The information is presented in an understandable and efficient way but the other notifications might be jumbled up under 'All'.
  Quotes from respondents:
That's an excellent idea. However, it would be nice to separate some of the notifications into several categories. The 'All' section is still confusing.
   I think separating notifications is a good idea, but having All might bury important notifications inside, like what's happening with FB, even with the iconography used. Mentions might be merged with emails to give more sense
  • Our thoughts:* Grouping could make it easy to miss notifications, so we will see how filtering addresses the organization challenge

5) Two users prefer mentions first and all secondarily. One user prefer all first. To reduce risk we will have 'All' first and review metrics around people clicking on mentions.


   “I would prefer all notifications as the default tab. If I had to organize my notification home center, I would have tabs for each notification type and a button/text to 'view all notifications' which would remove/hide the tabs and just show all the notifications in a list.”
   “I suggest adding the 'Edits' section in the notification. This section contains notifications about edit reverts, page links, thanks, and translation. For the default tab, I prefer mentions because when admins give warnings, users can see them instantly.”
   “I'd like to see Mentions and emails merged under one name and then All. But in the All, I want to be able to distinguish easily the list of notifications, maybe use a slightly different color variation for the background + the icon.”

6) Filtering by type: Ranking (point scale from 1-9)

   D (22 points): Grouping of notifications (e.g. if someone received several “Thanks” for an article edit, should it be grouped) [Grouping by Mentions].
   C (21 points):** Filtering by type [action item for design]
   B (17 points):** Filter by project, task created: T288068
   E (14 points):** Search for new notifications: Yes. Search for archived notifications: No (as technically not ready / out of scope)
   H (13 points):** Customizable swipe left and right gestures~~ (No, since design feedback from experienced Android users advocated for one swipe gesture [Mark as read]
   A (12 points):** Filter by language, task created (T288068)
   F (11 points):** Better preferences, task created (T287477)
   G (11 points):** Notifications for Watchlist (Not now, as technically not ready / out of scope)
   I (11 points):** Easy access to archived notifications. New designs have been improved and it’s easy to access it

7) Page links was the only thing mentioned as missing, and it has been added in the designs (T287477) 8) One user said: More context is needed for edit reverts or article talk. Otherwise people are ok with the suggestion 9) "Thank you". "I'll fix that", "I agree", "Thanks for pointing that out" "Well done" "Very good point, it will be updated" (Task created: T288105) 10) People would like to see notification reminders (V2 option)

Research Questions

   When asking a user to check their notifications, in the app, where do they click?
   What flows and actions do users expect when they have push turned on vs. those that have it turned off?
   What are the expectations of what a user will see if they click a bell vs. an inbox and what are the tradeoffs for consolidation?
   Do users believe elements of the user talk page should be in the notification center?




  • インド在住で視覚障がいがある英語版Wikipediaの編集者
  • ヒンディー語版Wikipediaの編集者
  • モロッコ、エジプト、コンゴ民主共和国、およびマリ在住のアラビア語版およびフランス語版Wikipediaの編集者
  • ナイジェリア在住の英語版Wikipediaの編集者
  • インドネシア語版Wikipediaの編集者
  • 女性およびノンバイナリーの日本語版Wikipediaの編集者
