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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Android Annual Plan 2024\2025

From mediawiki.org

The Android team's work is guided by the Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, and specifically the Product & Technology department's Objectives and Key Results. The Annual Plan relates to the Wikimedia Foundation's fiscal year, which starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year.

The Android team expects that about half of our time will be devoted to annual planning priorities in the coming year, while the other half will be spent on technical maintenance and other essential work to support our actively and passively maintained projects.

Essential work

  • Maintained Projects: We will continue to support anti-vandalism tools while trying to integrate with Community Config and various suggested edits. There are other features in the app like Places, as well as the overall Android app platform that we will need to ensure doesn’t degrade and will fix urgent bugs raised by app users.
  • Temporary Accounts: The Android team supports many features that may need further updates to accommodate Temporary Accounts.

First annual planning priority


There is a new generation of readers looking to build a lasting connection with Wikipedia. As a result we plan to explore opportunities for readers to more easily discover and learn from content they are interested in. The Android app team will release a series of experiments and determine in partnership with the community, which intervention best contributes to reader retention.

Key Result Android team hypothesis Project details Timeline
Wiki Experiences, Key Result 3.1

Release two curated, accessible, and community-driven browsing and learning experiences to representative wikis, with the goal of increasing the logged-out reader retention of experience users by 5%.

If we enhance the search field in the Android app to recommend personalized content based on a user's interest and display better results, we will learn if this improves user engagement by observing whether it increases the impression and click-through rate (CTR) of search results by 5% in the experimental group compared to the control group over a 30-day A/B test. This improvement could potentially lead to a 1% increase in the retention of logged out users. Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Recommended Content in Search Complete by the end of September 2024.

Second annual planning priority


To uncover opportunities to increase and deepen engagement of our existing audiences, we must be able to more nimbly test more on-platform product ideas to determine if it is worth spending more time on or moving on to another engagement opportunity.

Key Result Android team hypothesis Project details Timeline
Product and Engineering Support (PES), Key Result 1.3

Run and conclude two experiments from existing exploratory products/features that provides us with data/insights into how we grow Wikipedia as a knowledge destination for our current consumer and volunteer audiences in Q1 and Q2. Complete and share learnings and recommendations for potential adoption for future OKR work in the Wiki Experiences bucket by the end of Q3

If we create a Wikipedia-based game for daily use that highlights the connections across vast areas of knowledge, it will encourage consumers to visit Wikipedia regularly and facilitate active learning, leading to longer increased interaction with content on Wikipedia. Success will be measured by completing an experimental project that provides at least one recommendation about gamification of learning as an opportunity to increase onwiki engagement. TBA Complete by the end of September 2024

Upcoming annual planning priorities


Teams are approaching annual planning more iteratively this year, so rather than committing to larger year-long projects, our first two annual planning priorities should be complete before the end of September 2024. This should allow teams to deliver value in smaller increments throughout the year, while also ensuring we have the flexibility to pivot as we learn more or discover other urgent priorities.

Below are other hypotheses we are considering for October 2024-June 2024

Key Result Hypothesis Project details Timeline
Wiki Experiences, Key Result 3.1

Release two curated, accessible, and community-driven browsing and learning experiences to representative wikis, with the goal of increasing the logged-out reader retention of experience users by 5%

If we introduce a personalized rabbit hole feature in the Android app to recommend condensed versions of articles based on the types of topics and sections a user is interested in, pulled from different articles, we will learn if the feature is sticky enough to result in multi-day usage by 10% of users over a 30-day period, and a higher pageview rate than users not exposed to the feature. TBA Start in October
Wiki Experiences, Key Result 3.2

50% increase in the number of donations via touch points outside of the annual banner and email appeals per platform.

If we update the contributions page for logged-in users in the app to include an active badge for someone that is an app donor and display an inactive state with a prompt to donate for someone that decided not to donate in app, we will learn if this recognition is of value to current donors and encourages behavior of donating for prospective donors, informing if it is worth expanding on the concept of donor badges or abandoning it. TBA Start in October
Wiki Experiences, Key Result 3.1

Release two curated, accessible, and community-driven browsing and learning experiences to representative wikis, with the goal of increasing the logged-out reader retention of experience users by 5%

If we create Wikipedia-based knowledge games for daily use, it will encourage readers to visit Wikipedia regularly and facilitate active learning, leading to higher reader retention for those that play the game vs. those that do not. TBA Start in January

Community discussion


Any project the Android team pursues will include community consultations with impacted user groups.