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تطبيقات ويكيميديا/قوائم القراءة/مشروع المشاركة

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Apps/Reading lists/Share Project and the translation is 70% complete.

تشمل هذه الصفحة معلومات عن عمل فريق التطبيقات بويكيميدياApps Team لإتاحة خاصيةنشر قوائم القراءة التى قام بإنشائها المستخدمين لتطبيق ويكيبيديا على الأندرويد أو ال iOS

فهي تحتوي على معلومات حول أهداف هذا العمل، وتوضيح المجهودات السابقة التي أثرت عليه ولماذا تطوير قوائم القراءة من أهم أولوياتنا فى الفترة من يوليو 2022 وحتى ديسمبر 2022.

لمتابعة تطور المشروع، يرشح لكم الفريق زيارة الجزء الخاص بالتحديثات فى هذه الصفحة أو إضافة الصفحة لقوائم الترقب الخاصة بكم. If you would like to be invited to conversations about specific topics, please notify us on this talk page.

خلفية الموضوع

فى بداية 2016 قام فريق التطبيقات بتحديث خاصة حفظ الصفحات الى خاصية جديدة اسمها قوائم القراءة. Reading lists تسمح قوائم القراءة للمستخدمين بحفظ المقالات داخل ملفات مع إمكانية كتابة ملخص بسيط عنهم. تم تصميم الخاصية الاساسية لتضمن للمستخدمين المسجلين بمزامنة قوائمهم عبر الأجهزة المستخدمة من خلال قدرات التخزين لملحق المجموعات. In early 2016, the Apps team updated their existing Saved Pages to a new feature called Reading lists. Reading Lists allowed users to put saved articles into folders and to label and make a basic description for their folders. The original feature design included the ability for logged-in users to sync their lists across devices, using the list storing capabilities of the Collections extension.

لأسباب لا تتعلق بالتطبيقات أو بمستخدميها تم وقف الخطط. وفى بداية 2017 قام فريق الأندرويد بعمل الكثير من التحسينات لخاصية قوائم القراءة لجعل إدارتها أيسر من قِبل المستخدمين، وإتاحة إمكانية الحفظ في حالة عدم الإتصال بالإنترنت ، استنادًا إلى البحث الذي حدد الحفظ في حالة عدم الإتصال بالإنترنت باعتباره مجالًا رئيسيًا للتركيز لخدمة القراء الجدد.

اصبحت قوائم القراءة منذ ذلك الحين الخاصية الأكثر شعبية وسط المستخدمين، وإستلمنا العديد من طلبات المستخدمين على مدار السنين لنشر القوائم مع مستخدمين اخرين، بل والقدرة على حفظها على الأجهزة أيضا.

الأهداف والفرضيات


هدفنا هو تمكين القرّاء لرعاية، حفظ ونشر المحتوى المثير للإعجاب وذو الصلة لإهتمامتهم.

Our objective is to enable app readers to curate, save and share a collection of content that is interesting and relevant to them.


نؤمن أن إستقبال المستخدمين لقوائم القراءة سيشجعهم على قراءة مقالات ويكيبيديا لم تكن لديهم بالأساس. بالأضافة إلى أن هذه الخاصية متاحة فقط فى التطبيقات، فإننا نؤمن أيضا أن هذا سيزيد من عدد تنزيلات التطبيق للأندرويد وال iOS We believe when users receive a reading list it will motivate them to read Wikipedia articles they may not have otherwise. Additionally, because the feature is only available in the apps, we believe the feature will increase installs of the Android and iOS apps.

إختبار فرضياتنا

سنقوم بإختبار فرضياتنا من خلال مراقبة البيانات الخاصة بتطبيق الأندرويد فى مناطق النمو المستهدفة التالية:

We will test our hypothesis by monitoring data in for the Android app in the following target growth regions:

  • أفريقيا (مصر، الجزائر، المغرب، كينيا، جمهورية الكونغو، أنجولا، نيجيريا وغانا)
  • جنوب اسيا (الهند، بنجلاديش، باكستان، سيريلانكا ونيبال).

تم إختيار هذه البلاد بناء على البيانات التى أظهرت مشاهدات غير متناسقة للصفحات مع عدد التنزيلات الخاصة بتطبيقات ويكيبيديا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم الأخذ فى الإعتبار إستخدام الهواتف الذكية فى هذه البلاد وعلاقتها بعمليات التنزيل للتطبيقات.

مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية

  • على الاقل 20% من المستخدمين الأوليين سيرتبطوا بهذه الخاصية فى خلال ال 30 يوم الأولى من المشاركة الأولية معهم.
  • زيادة تنزيلات التطبيقات من أسواق النمو المستهدفة بعد ستة أشهر من الإصدار بمعدل أعلى من نفس الفترة الزمنية في العامين الماضيين

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سيتم عمل إختبار حول الإستخدام. بينما نرحب بتعلياقت الجميع، سنركز بصورة خاصة على مواقع الويكي اللغوية أدناه بناءا على اللغات المستخدمة في بلدان النمو المستهدفة في تطبيق الأندرويد

  • الإنجليزية
  • العربية
  • الهندية
  • الفرنسية
  • البنغالية
  • الإسبانية
  • البرتغالية
  • الألمانية
  • الأوردية

سنراقب بصورة كمية ما إذا كانت هذه الخاصية زادت من عدد مشاهدات الصفحات لمواقع الويكي التى يتم زيارتها بشكل ملحوظ من خلال التطبيق ولكن ليس بشكل متكرر مثل مواقع الويكي الخاصة باللغة المذكورة أعلاه:

  • السنهالية
  • Egyptian Arabic
  • السواحلية
  • الفارسية
  • النيبالية
  • التيلوغوية

User Stories

We have some user stories that we are considering:

  • As a Wikipedia Android app user and student in Morocco, I want to export my reading lists so that I can use them at the Mohammed V University school library.
  • As a Wikipedia Android app user in Ghana, I want to share my reading list with a family member in the US that has an iOS device, so they can read the articles I've saved about Accra ahead of their trip home in December.
  • As a Wikipedia Android app user organizer in South Asia, I want to share a reading list via Whatsapp after an event, so people that have attended know which articles need contributions.


Sharing a Reading List

There are two main scenarios which we have designed for the process of sharing Reading Lists:

Scenario 1: The receiver has the app installed

This scenario occurs when the user already has the Wikipedia app installed:

Some things that happen are:
  • 3. Shares a list: One list can be shared, e.g. with the Share icon in the app bar or by long pressing reading list in 1. Lists home
  • 4. Share sheet: Is device dependent
  • 5. Send message:
    • Is service dependent
    • Message contains text and a link (see 4.2.).
    • Keep in mind that the current copy: (Check out my reading list with the Wikipedia Android or iOS app: https://w.wiki/dj08730) is a placeholder and needs to be fine-tuned to be effective and work in multiple languages.
  • 6. Receives message: is device dependent (notification)
  • 7. Taps link: Opens directly in the Wikipedia app
  • 8. Import dialog: From here on, we have complete control over how it's displayed

Scenario 2: The receiver does not have the app installed

This scenario occurs when the user does not have the Wikipedia app installed:

Some things that happen are:
  • 1. Taps link: User taps link in the message
  • 2. MediaWiki page:
    • Uses a web page (e.g. the https://w.wiki/dj08730 short link leads to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Apps/ReadingListSharing)
    • The MediaWiki page’s exact content and formatting needs to be defined, yet
  • 5. Opens app:
    • We can detect if users come from a reading list import as the data is shared asynchronously from the Google Play Store
    • Once the data mentioned above is received, we will show a dialog that informs users how to open the received reading list.
    • Again: we don’t know the origin of where the reading list has been shared, so the only thing we can do is inform users about tapping the link in the original message. The Learn more (secondary CTA) points to an instructions section on the MediaWiki page (described in 2.)
  • 6. Taps link: After installing the app, the user needs to navigate back to the service, where the original message (with the link) has been received, and tap the link again

Exporting a Reading List

These are designs that shows the process of exporting a reading list:

Some things that happen are:
  • 1. Lists home + 2. Exports multiple:
    • Multiple lists can be exported (and deleted)
  • 3. Export one list: One list can be exported, e.g. with the Export option in the overflow menu or by long pressing a reading list in 1. Lists home
  • 4. Direct export:
    • Once the export has been triggered in step 3, a system notification is displayed (similar to reading lists sync), and JSON files are stored directly on the device (without a share sheet)
    • In addition and very likely: a system notification is triggered that the file’s been stored

Landing Page

This is a landing page that is displayed when someone shares a list:




أغسطس 2023

  • Sharing reading lists is now available to all users! T370703

مايو 2023

  • In the past month, we've focused on making our reading lists more engaging and shareable. Our Android team initiated a project to allow for reading list sharing, focusing on growth readers in specific African and South Asian countries. The goal was to boost user engagement, page views, and app downloads. To verify our hypothesis that shareable reading lists would encourage more app downloads and reading, we teamed up with analysts and project managers to design a public measurement and experimentation plan. This included developing research questions, identifying leading indicators, and determining the necessary engineering instrumentation (T314533).
  • Furthermore, we conceptualized the sharing of reading lists, updating low-fidelity mockups to illustrate sharing through a link rather than a file. We considered a variety of sharing and receiving scenarios, putting a focus on usability across diverse languages and reading directions. This led to the creation of multiple user stories that captured various use cases from different regions, user capabilities, and objectives (T316822).

أبريل 2023

  • After reviewing usability testing videos, we improved the landing page to make it clearer what the intent of the landing page was (T327905). We also fixed a bug with our survey (T332366).
Improved the landing page for reading lists
Improved the landing page for reading lists

مارس 2023

  • In the past, an initiative was undertaken to enhance the translation and localization quality for shared reading lists in an app. Issues were identified such as the title "Reading lists" on the landing page not being localized in most languages, and an import dialog was not translated into Spanish and Arabic. To address these issues, corrections were made to these specific localization problems, a UI copy spreadsheet was checked for missing translations, and efforts were made to ensure full translation of the UI for target regions. An improvement in the QA process was also suggested to identify localization issues at an early stage when developing in multiple languages T327911.
  • In addition to that, we worked on a task to add in-app previews for shared reading lists. Based on user feedback, we found that users wanted more information before importing a list. Therefore, we decided to allow users to preview these lists within the app before importing. We also considered renaming "Import" to "View" or "Saved". The new process involved users receiving, previewing, saving, and viewing the list within the app. We also added a confirmation message to inform users when the list had been successfully saved T327903.
  • Furthermore, we addressed some issues that were distracting users from the main task of sharing or receiving reading lists. Users were getting frustrated by repeated survey prompts and the simultaneous display of loading indicators and onboarding cards was causing confusion. Also, the 'sync reading list' prompt was appearing too frequently and in too many forms. We noticed that most users ignored the tooltips, which indicated that our interface was largely self-explanatory. To resolve these issues, we made sure that unrelated onboarding popups didn't appear during the share/receive workflow, we limited the survey prompt to appear only once, and we decided not to display the list sync card during a list import. We also removed some unnecessary tooltips and reviewed and optimized the flows to minimize distractions. Finally, we revised the text in the survey dialog and adjusted the conditions under which it would be shown T327912.
  • In the past, we dealt with an issue in our Android app where long titles or descriptions of reading lists would overlap with thumbnails or placeholder text. This was especially noticeable when a list had an unusually long name or description, or when it didn't include any articles. We managed to fix this issue, preventing any overlap and significantly improving readability and overall user experience (T329962).

فبراير 2023

Based on our first experiment with Reading List, we made the following adjustments ahead of our next experiment release:

  • Identically named articles retained during reading list export T329805.
    • Optimized "MB indication" UI when importing a reading list T327909.
    • Hide filesize indicator on reading list import temporarily T328474.
    • Add an option to delete multiple lists T320999.
  • Optimized performance when importing a shared reading list T327907.
  • Expanded the export feature to multiple reading lists T319345.

يناير 2023

  • We created an in-app feedback form for reading list users to provide feedback on Sharing and Receiving through a link T321524,T322088.
  • We built a workflow for sharing reading lists through the app T316836.

ديسمبر 2022

  • Fixed a bug where the reading list tip flashed when importing a reading list T324521.
  • Finished building a receiving workflow for shareable reading lists; all the designs are available here T316834.

أكتوبر 2022

We fixed a bug where identical articles were duplicated. T318319.

سبتمبر 2022

As we begin our work on Reading Lists, we experimented with the possibility of users seeing a preview of a reading list being shared on a web page.

The user story we considered was, “As a Wikipedia Android app user in Ghana, I want to share my reading list with a family member in the US that has an iOS device, so they can read the articles I've saved about Accra ahead of their trip home in December and see a preview before committing to download the app.”

The possible methods included T316837 :

  • Adding JavaScript to the MediaWiki page, this approach was determined to not be feasible because we can not add JavaScript to a MediaWiki and add JavaScript into Central Notice.
  • Creating an extension.
  • Use Portals.
  • Create a microsite.
  • Creating low-fi mocks to get input from users for sharing a reading list T313740.
low fi mocks to get input from users for sharing a reading list
  • Serious research has been done to check the desired flow of sending a . Wikipedia files and importing it is possible for sharing a reading list T316048.