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WikiReleaseTeam/Release management meetup

From mediawiki.org

Release Management Meetup


Wikimania, Hongkong, 10. August 2013, 14:30 HKT


  • Mark Hershberger
  • Markus Glaser
  • Manuel Schneider
  • Ralf Roletschek
  • Raymond King
  • Benny Lin
  • Yuri Perohanych

Topics covered



several of the attendees were running wiki farms
farming should be kept in mind for update processes

Support desk

Support desk language is English. Hard for non-English speakers
You can post in other languages there and it will be translated.
We need to make that option more prominent as apparently it wasn't clear


Spam is a big issue for sites running MediaWiki. Especially new user registrations with spam accounts
We should ship the tarball with a good default configuration, e.g. to use SpamBlacklist with the list found on meta
Spambots get through even with confirm email configuration

Update / Upgrade

Extension compatibility is a big problem
Templates, gadgets and wikipedia functionality should be bundled. So you have a installation option "like Wikipedia"


ship the core
download extensions from somewhere


interesting for cloud. Should be one technology among others for shipping MediaWiki


  • we need some sort of extension manager