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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Wiki-Highlights and the translation is 93% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.



維基媒體基金會產品與科技部門確認 2023 至 24 年研發的領域之一是未來受眾目標與關鍵結果。未來受眾工作將探索運動方式,好讓網際網路上的所有人都可以得到知識,完成自由知識生態系的基礎建設。

上方的研究旨在為全世界在其他平台汲取資訊的青年提供我們的內容,以提高他們對我們專案的意識與參與度 (未來受眾關鍵結果 2.1)。

「Wiki-畫重點」專案與「未來受眾關鍵結果 2.1」同時進行,將驗證 Inuka 團隊的 2023 至 24 年年度計畫的其中一個假設的真偽。

*「如果從維基百科條目產生摘要,給青年讀者提供自動產生的、人工審核過的視覺化條目作為另一種閱讀體驗,並將其編入搜尋平台 (Google、Tiktok),我們則測試他們與我們的內容和專案的互動是否會增加參與度。多篇條目會產生人工審核過的摘要,並呈獻給一群行動端讀者,好去評估他們對不同內容格式與主題的偏好程度。我們會根據花費時間、摘要完成率和閱讀量最多的話題,來評估全球的青年讀者是否對維基百科的條目摘要有強烈的興趣。」 Human-reviewed summaries would be generated for multiple articles and surfaced to a group of readers on mobile, to evaluate their preference for different content formats and topics. We would evaluate if global youth readers show significant interest towards Wikipedia article summaries and measure engagement based on time spent, number of summaries consumed, summary completion rate and topics with the highest readership.



  • 內容格式:文字、影像、影片、音訊 (靜止式與互動式)
  • 內容長度:短格式
  • 內容呈現處:搜尋結果、社群媒體與其他第三方平台。  


  • 學校作業、查核事實與追蹤情況方面,維基百科的排名較高。
  • 使用維基百科很難滿足社群互動需求。
  • 維基百科的平均使用率相對其他品牌低 50%。
  • 條目過長是他們不使用維基百科的第三大原因。
  • 更多影像和縮短條目等改進能促進更多使用量。



這次專案的主要目標是測試從維基百科自動產生的、人工審核過的視覺化摘要 (Wiki 畫重點) 對第三方平台上的全球青年受眾是否是可靠的閱讀體驗。


實驗團隊會使用微型網站對不同的內容格式 (標準的維基百科條目和「Wiki-畫重點」格式) 進行 A/B 測試,以評估目標受眾 (如以下表格所示) 在行動裝置上的參與度和體驗。

  • For this 1st iteration of this experiment, we will not attempt to test this portion of the hypothesis "....have them indexed by viable search platforms (Google, Tiktok)..." as we'd like to validate the viability of this approach before engaging with a partner.
  • 「Wiki-畫重點」會透過從長篇維基百科條目的段落中提取簡明扼要的資料總覽 (2-4 句話,300 字以內),配上共享資源中的圖片,自動產生內容。第一次實驗主要會使用從以下分類和話題中選擇的英文條目。
分類 話題 條目品質
歷史 藝術、古蹟、景點、古董 條目必須為「精選」或「優良」
生活 食物、時尚、語言、旅行、媒體
地點 國家、城市、島嶼
名人 傳記、名流
體育 運動、賽事、娛樂
時事 氣候、永續性、平等、健康、社會公益
大自然 動植物、水土


指標 追蹤目標
使用者閱讀條目摘要的意願 (Wiki畫重點) 各段落花費的總時間
使用者完整閱讀摘要的意願 各段落閱讀的摘要數
使用者要檢視深入摘要的意願。 檢視各條目的摘要數和段落數
閱讀量大的話題。 依話題分開的各條目摘要閱讀數。


我們團隊考慮了不同的布局、不同的互動方式和不同的體驗設計原型,並在 Userlytics、Instagram 和 TikTok 等平台進行了多輪使用者測試演習,好去分析目標受眾對微型網站選擇設計設定時的偏好,如此連結中所示。


2022/23年 2023年 2024
第四季度 第一季度 第二季度 Q3
一月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 JAN FEB MAR

Experiment results

The WMF developed 2 prototype test sites that were shown to 2400 participants aged between 18-24 year olds across 6 countries (US, Brazil, Germany, India, Indonesia, Nigeria). Half the participants were shown the article microsite, the other half shown the highlights microsite.

The testing happened in 2 ways;

1. Survey testing:

We ran a series of survey questions before and after participants interacted with the 2 sites. Half the participants were shown the article view, and the other half shown the wiki-highlights view. The survey result document has the outcome in detail, and below are summarized insights from the survey:

Learnings Suggestions/ Recommendations
Overall Wiki-Highlights had more appeal, and is seen as more unique, though only marginally. Although differences in appeal & uniqueness are statistically significant, they are slight differences.
  • This suggests that more could be done to differentiate Wiki-Highlights from the current Wikipedia reading experience.
Audience related feedback Wiki-Highlights appeals more to 23-24 year-olds & among more frequent Wikipedia users. With technology changing so fast, 23-24 year-olds may have a different relationship with it versus 18-19 year-olds.
  • The difference suggests further development should be targeted at the needs of the younger group to truly future-proof Wiki-Highlights.
The Wiki-Highlights appealed more to users in Nigeria and Indonesia and much less for users in Germany & US. We see Wikipedia overall less appealing in more developed markets - perhaps due to more established digital environments & brands.
  • It may be that in these markets there would need to be more difference between Wiki-Highlights and current Wikipedia experience to have an impact.
Feature related feedback Wiki-Highlights outperformed controlled site on perceptions of 'fun' & 'easy' 23-24 yr olds find Wiki- Highlights more fun, perhaps due to less use of apps like TikTok.
  • The above suggests a bigger incremental change is needed for younger users.

Also, heavier Wikipedia users are more likely to find Wiki- Highlights easy.

  • There may be a need to compare it versus other sites to explore how to improve Wiki-Highlights to bring in lighter users.
Users liked the topics & imagery of both sites; Wiki- Highlights stood out on simplicity of language & content length. The current lack of perceived difference of imagery on Wiki- Highlights versus Control suggests this could be an area of further development.
  • The shorter content length works well, and should be retained.
Users would improve the navigation and they desired more topics. Review the back button (this may have been impacted by the survey buttons, but we don't believe so given the verbatim).
  • We could explore additional topics relevant to this audience - e.g. movies, music, tech.

2. A/B testing:

During the survey testing, we instrumented the microsites to capture specific metrics for the 2 groups to gauge the depth of engagement further.

  • The Experiment Group participants were shown the wiki-highlights/ summarised content as seen here.
  • The Control Group participants were shown long form Wikipedia Article-type of content as seen here.

Overall metrics and observations are documented in the table below; available with a full report .

Overall Metrics Observations
Time on site (session length) Time on Homepage + Content page: Overall, the experiment group seemed to stay longer than the control group.
Time on Homepage: Experiment group spent the same amount of time as the control group on the homepages.
Time on Content Page: Experiment group stayed longer than the control group on the content pages.
Completion rate (willingness to complete the content) Experiment group: 1,658 highlights opened with a 72.2% completion rate.
  • had more highlights read but a lower completion rate.

Control group: had 1,112 articles opened, with a 78.1% completion rate.

Number of content consumed per session (willingness to view subsequent content) Experiment group: 95% of sessions consumed 0 to 4 highlights per session. 
  • The users in the experiment group consumed more content than the users in the control group.

Control group: 95% of sessions consumed 0 to 3 articles per session.

*** 0 means users only viewed the homepage in certain sessions.

Majority reads by content type Experiment group top 3 visited pages:
  • Lionel Messi,
  • Climate Change
  • Elephant.

Control group top 3 visited pages:

  • Lionel Messi
  • Friends
  • Japan.
Majority reads by category type Experiment group top 3 visited categories:
  • Topical
  • Personalities
  • Nature

Control group top 3 visited categories:

  • Lifestyle
  • Personalities
  • Nature

We also evaluated the metrics across the 6 countries we ran the experiment;

Country Metrics Observations
Time on site (session length) Experiment Group: Brazil, India, United States and Nigeria, users spent more time on homepages and content pages.

Control group: Indonesia and Germany, users spent more time on homepages and content pages.

Experiment Group: Brazil, Nigeria, and India, users spent more time on homepages.

Control group: Indonesia and the United States, users spent more time on homepages.

***In Germany, users spent similar time on homepages for both the experiment and control groups.

Experiment Group: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and US had more users spending more time on content pages.

Control group: Germany, in 90% of the sessions, the control group had more users spend more time on content pages.

***Nigeria had significantly much longer time spent on content pages compared to other countries.

Completion rate (willingness to complete the content) Experiment Group:Content completion rate in experiment groups is lower in every country except India and Indonesia.
Number of content consumed per session (willingness to view subsequent content) Experiment Group: Brazil, India, Nigeria, and the United States, users viewed more content in the experiment group.

Control group: Germany, users viewed fewer content in the experiment group than the control group per session.

***In Indonesia, users viewed a similar amount of content per session in both groups.

Majority reads by content type
  • Content, such as Lionel Messi and Climate change, appears in the top-viewed lists of most countries.
  • The rest of the top-viewed content differs from country to country.
Majority reads by category type

Experiment Learnings:

  1. Learnings from the Survey testing:
    • Wiki-Highlights had more appeal, and is seen as more unique, though only marginally. Although differences in appeal & uniqueness are statistically significant, they are slight differences.
      • This suggests that more could be done to differentiate Wiki-Highlights from the current Wikipedia reading experience.
  2. Learnings from the A/B Testing:
    • Users spent more time and consumed more Wiki-Highlights content than articles. However, more articles were completed over Wiki-Highlights which could be attributed to the fact that users did not expand each article section to and this may have affected the reading time of the control group.
      • Brazil, India, and Nigeria users favored Wiki-Highlights;
      • Germany users favored articles where they spent more time, consumed more and completed more content.


Q3 January to March 2024




Q2 October to December 2023


Microsite development tasks


Microsite development tasks


Microsite development tasks: