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VeesualEediter/Beta Featurs/Leid

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page VisualEditor/Beta Features/Language and the translation is 83% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Please aye mynd tae luikower yer chynges afore hainin whan uisin expereemental featurs.

Ye can opt-in til ae VeesualEediter plug-in that lats ye set n chynge the leid settins oan selections o tex aes pairt o the Beta Feturs programme. This is tae gather feedback fae uisers afore makin it available fer aw VeesualEediter uisers, yince it's mair polished.

Yince opti-in, ye'll get ae new eetem in the "Mair" section o the tuilbaur, nou labelled "Leid" n shawin "Aあ" aes its icon. Siclyk, exeestin tex wi leid settins will be heilichtit in pale grey, n will nou get the icon whan ye curser in thaim.

Clapin the icon will summin aen inspecter tae set lied information, or chynge it gif it's awreadie present. This uises the same interface aes the Uneeversal Leid Selecter, lattin ye alter the leid (e.g. set til Arabec – lang="ar" in wikitex) n optionlie the direction (e.g. toggle the directionalitie ower-ridin switch – lik dir="ltr" in wikitex).

Gif ye hae onie feedback aneat eeditin leid settins, please comment oan the tauk page wi yer concerns, speirins or suggestions.