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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Sergey Chernyshev in topic Printing a page with tabs

This is an archive of the talk page for User talk:Sergey Chernyshev which is piloting liquid threads now.

Extension:Header Tabs Patches from Wiredtape


I am waiting for your answer regarding where to put the additional code i made for the HeaderTabs extension... -Wiredtape

    • Done.. sorry these aren't diff-u, I'm at work and don't have any diff engines here... patch - note that this is a zip of the Header Tabs extension directory, since I added a file to it... --Wiredtape

Integrating Google Street View Widget and Semantic Mediawiki together


Hi Sergey, it's Sam from the Melpedia website. I wanted to get your thoughts on the best practice of integrating the Semantic Mediawiki together with your Google Street View (GSW) widget. If you have a look at the following page, you can see the widget working correctly, the trouble I'm having is getting the coordinates on the page to feed into the widget. You can see that I've retrived them, but feeding them into the widget by passing them in the template also passes a lot of other junk (<span> tags etc for the popups).

The other route I thought of taking was to create a custom template for the #ask. Inside the custom template would contain the widget code. This seems to work but it escapes all the output meaning that I get the javascript for the Google Street View on the page but it doesn't parse it. Any thoughts on how to get these to play nicely together? Thanks! Rodeoclash 10:51, 6 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

I think it's better to send this stuff to the group - this way some other people might be able to help so you don't need to wait for me. In any case, I think you can try using "link" parameter for ask query (this is how you feed the widget if I understand correctly) and set it to "none" - this might help. --Sergey Chernyshev 19:53, 6 August 2008 (UTC)Reply



Love the Tabs!!!!

Thanks, enjoy it! --Sergey Chernyshev 20:38, 9 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

using Widget:Feed to integrate WordPress RSS

  • any idea why an RSS feed from a WordPress Blog doesn't work? i've been testing with:




this is very odd, I followed the instructions for 2 mediawiki 1.9.3 installations one on Kubuntu 8.04, one on Mac X (Leopard).

However while the Linux version works nicely, the Mac version does not. When I add the relevant calendar code to a page in the Mac installation the resulting page is COMPLETELY empty. Nothing is seen so I can not delete the page nor can I edit them again.

could anybody please tell me what the problem is? Oub 18:39, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

to understand what's going on on MacOS, please look into website's error.log and see what's being output. To edit the broken page again, just add "&action=edit" in the query string and remove widget code - this is a quick solution to the page being broken. It's probably better to follow-up on the mailing list instead of talk pages: http://groups.google.com/group/mediawiki-widgets - this way others will be able to help as well. --Sergey Chernyshev 20:15, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
Re: Sergey well this trick seems not to work, to give you and example: one page which is not damaged and can be edited appears as:
However when I click on the damaged page, I obtain
so adding &action=edit does not help since it leads to
Which is not correct, odd, isn't it Oub 21:14, 6 April 2009 (UTC):Reply
thanks, I agree but I did not know about this mailing list, thanks for pointing it out Oub 21:04, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
Sure, just replace "&" with "?" and it should work then. --Sergey Chernyshev 21:24, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Widget: Vimeo bug with line breaks


Friendly greetings Sergey! I'm enjoying and am appreciative of your widgets, including the Vimeo one. However, I've noticed a bug: line breaks immediately after the Vimeo widget don't work until there's some special formatting like a new section header. I wonder why this is and can you please have a look? For instance:

test line 1

test another line

If you enter this on a MediaWiki with your Vimeo Widget installed, it appears as "test line 1 test another line" right after the video as shown here. Is there an easy way to fix this? Thanks so very much! --Torley 18:02, 21 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

I think it's this way by design - Widgets extension tries not to introduce any extra tags so all kind of widgets can be created, including inline ones. Is there any problem with just putting space after it as with any other formatting? --Sergey Chernyshev 02:25, 22 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
I found a workaround. Put

, like this:
If that looks alright to you I'll keep using it. --Torley 20:06, 30 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
looks good - or you can probably just put empty space after it and MediaWiki wiki should wrap it in <p>s. --Sergey Chernyshev 21:05, 30 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Google Geocoder extension



I'd like to include the Google Geocoder extension you wrote into the Extension:Semantic Maps extension. Do you have any objections to this? (You will of course be noted in the credits.)


Hi Jeroen, I'm not positive about this - do you think wikis that don't use Semantic MediaWiki will have no use for Google Geocoder? I think it's worth having it sort-of separate and just rely on it to provide this little feature by itself. What do you think? Another thing if you'll implement generic geocoding functionality that will use whatever service is configured and base it on Google Geocoder, then feel free to include it into Semantic Maps (I have nothing against using my code), although I'd suggest just creating generic "Geocoder" extension. Will be happy to discuss this with you and Yaron more, if needed - feel free to convince me ;) --Sergey Chernyshev 16:18, 22 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Smarty.class.php on line 1095: Youtube Widget problem


Hi Sergey,

Sorry to bother you with a question, but I can't figure this one out and can't find info elsewhere. I have installed MediaWikiWidgets and the Youtube Widget. When I try to use the Youtube Widget, it says: " Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "wiki:YouTube" in /home/sbwiki/public_html/wiki_source/extensions/Widgets/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095 "

I already tried the &action=purge options, and I also set the namespace in LocalSettings, but it won't work. Page where I try to load the Youtube: http://www.snowboardwiki.nl/wiki_source/index.php?title=SPIN_Utrecht

LocalSettings: (all things I changed in them since clean install of 1.15):

## Widgets-extensie, gereedmaken van namespace
define('NS_WIDGET', 274);
require( "$IP/extensions/Widgets/Widgets.php" );

## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL/Page_title_--_PHP_as_a_CGI_module,_no_root_access </br>
## $wgArticlePath      = "/$1";
## $wgUsePathInfo     = false;

$wgLogo = 'http://www.snowboardwiki.nl/logo/logosbw.jpg';

## Widgets-extensie activeren
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['editwidgets'] = true;

## Cite-extensie ingevoegd. 
require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );

Maybe you know what's up? I can't find a thing on the net that works for me. Thanks. Len.

Hi, Len. The thing is that Widget page names are case sensitive and must match the name of the widget you're calling. I changed the call to {{#widget:Youtube|...}} and it works, but you will probably want to rename http://www.snowboardwiki.nl/wiki_source/index.php?title=Widget:Youtube to http://www.snowboardwiki.nl/wiki_source/index.php?title=Widget:YouTube instead to keep the naming consistent. --Sergey Chernyshev 19:08, 29 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Ah, didn't know they were case-sensitive. Thanks for helping me out here, I was searching for the solution in way different places. All the best. Len.
Added it to MediaWikiWidgets site, in case more people had this issue: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets#Troubleshooting . Len.

Is it possible to add a alignment property to the google maps widget?


Hi, Sergey!

Is it possible to add a alignment property to the google maps widget? Currently it is not able to align the map on the right side of the page.

Many thanks!


In general, all the alignment should be done outside of the widget itself, e.g.
<div style="float: right">{{#widget:...}</div>
Let me know if it works for you. --Sergey Chernyshev 19:12, 30 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

Printing a page with tabs


I like to use tabs to make pages more readable when you're using a browser, but I'd like to "disable" the tabs when I'm printing the page (tabs would become regular = x = tags).

Would it be possible to do so?


No, currently it's not possible. It'll require disabling the extension logic for that page. --Sergey Chernyshev 17:56, 22 December 2009 (UTC)Reply