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User talk:Sandaru/Project Eclipse: Wikidata Outreach Project

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Sandaru in topic Big questions

Big questions

  • Why is this called Project Eclipse?

In a solar eclipse even the moon is very small compared to the sun , it gets a chance to cover the sun having a large impact on earth. I used Project Eclipse because in this outreach project our target is to cover the entire community and make an impact. --Sandaru (talk) 04:16, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

  • Have you done any research to check what audience you will be targeting, or what outreach methods have succeded in getting desired results in the past?

Yes I have done a small research on this aspect. The primary target of the first phase of the outreach project is University Students. I choose this target because they are the ones who is most familiar with open source community. And with the programs like Google Summer of Code there will be more and more contributors joining in the open source community. When we take the GSoC participants, these university students come from all the corners of the world. We can use them to spread the word about Wikidata. Even at this time period you can see large number of students joining as the contributors. So as a first step I think it is easy and doable to target the university students. Another reason I choose this as my primary target is I, my self is an University student. Because of the internet and other sort of student organizations like IEEE, AISEC university students are networked all around the world. So it is easy to spread anything among them in a short period of time.

As a second phase we can choose a wider rage. There are people who think without the knowledge of coding you can't contribute to open source community.We have to change that idea and help them to contribute in other aspects that they are capable of. --Sandaru (talk) 03:57, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

The current FAQ of wikidata is very useful. But according to my idea it is good to someone who knows the way around here. For a total newbie to open source community or to wikidata he/she will be at lost even in the FAQ page. I suggest to add some more basic questions like "What is Wikidata?", "I'm not a coder, how can I contribute?", "What are the ways that I can contribute?", "What is Open Source?" --Sandaru (talk) 04:04, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

  • How much time will it take to start the social media presences, and how much time will it take to keep them going each week?

Wikidata already has a frequently updated : Facebook page, : Google plus page.But the problem here is they lack followers. We need to make the page more interesting by making our posts more interesting. Currently there are only few likes for each posts and no shares at all. If we can make some interesting posts with photos and motivate our followers to share them we can make more people aware of Wikidata. So to answer the question there won't be any time needed to start. But to keep them going each week consistently needs at least two or three hours daily.--Sandaru (talk) 03:26, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

  • If you start this social media campaign during your internship and set up Facebook and Twitter accounts to support Wikidata contributors, then leave your internship, who will keep the social media accounts going?

Frequently updated Facebook and Twitter accounts are already there in the first place. In the case of what will happen to them when I leave my internship is a good question. But leaving my internship doesn't mean that I stop my contributions to Wikidata or Wikimedia. Open source community is based on volunteers. Even if I finish my internship I hope to stick around and do my part as I did in the internship to ensure that the pages are updated and keep going. --Sandaru (talk) 03:40, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

As you put the question in that way I understood my mistake. I think this badge and reward system must be discussed with the wikidata community thoroughly and get their ideas. To start the discussion I think the best place is the Project Chat. Starting that discussion and getting ideas , discuss and solve problems and negative feedback can be done parallel to the other work in first 10 weeks. In the 12th week I hope to finish the total plan of the rewarding system and have it presented to the community and have their ideas. Then in the 13th week we can start to implement it. So the task should be changed as to start implementing the system. Even though the internship period will end I hope to finish this after.

That is my current plan of the rewarding system. But if you think that the project discussion doesn't need 10 weeks. We can start implementing the rewarding system early so it can be finished during the internship period. I need to know what you think of in this aspect.--Sandaru (talk) 04:28, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi Sharihareswara (WMF), please check the changes I have done based on your feedback and answers to the questions asked. Those were very helpful for improving my proposal.