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User Interaction Consultation/Translated versions of pages on other idioms

From mediawiki.org

Exact tranlation


Since content varies from language to language and translators are not as good as could be lindation of content this way is much more like a lingusttic experiment than a global summ of knowlege, Many times i have seen people not sharing content thus idiomatic barriers from language to language, disadvantaging those who have not a major idiom as natural language

Breakdown of diomatic barriers


Knowledge encapsulation by idiomatic barriers, Lack of a wikipedia that everybody on the world can edit the same article and interact each other nonesthlees caring of language

What would it require


Such kind of wikipedia would expand content and posibilitate the existence of a real central wikepedia that will not only be in english It should require volunteer translators as much as editors ¿not so basd aint?