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From mediawiki.org

A discussion between User:Catrope, User:Reedy and User:Zakgreant about the API.

Audience(s) for API

  1. developers
  2. hobbyists

Issues with current docs

  • Current docs miss some key concepts - in particular, the quickstart goes much too quickly
  • MediaWiki.org docs out of sync with embedded docs - see bkdir for example
  • Generators need to be better explained and demonstrated (zak: 2x roan's mediawikiwiki article on the topic.)
  • FAQ is out of date
  • Impementation API:Implementation_Strategy is really out of date


  • Auto-create new MediaWiki.org pages with param info - one page per param
  • Transclude auto-generated param info pages into wikis that contain the exended docs on the feature
  • Use standard/autogenerated page name scheme for features (perhaps just the API namespace and param/module name?)


  • Look at /w/api.php?action=help&modules=edit (needs trunk)
  • Look at neilk's uploader commits for ideas/inspiration