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User:TBurmeister (WMF)/Sandbox/Doc-journeys

From mediawiki.org

The following user journeys [1]evolved out of our research into user personas, motivations, and the tasks that users are trying to complete when they seek documentation. The information architecture of the developer portal implements these goals and tasks as site sections and links to key landing pages. Read more about this in our corresponding blog post on Diff.

Get started


Learn how Wikimedia software projects work


Browse tutorials


Learn about Wikimedia technology


Browse by programming language


Use content or data


Use content and data


Learn with tutorials


Use wiki content


Access open data


Build and discover tools


Discover and share tools


Browse the catalog of tools on Toolhub, share your tools, and help maintain tool metadata.

TODO: First subsection doesn't have action header (breaks the pattern). There's not enough content to justify using this precious dev portal real estate only on Toolhub...both links in this section go to the same place.

Toolhub (Browse tools)


Toolhub is a catalog of tools that make it easier to edit and maintain Wikimedia projects. Use Toolhub to discover new tools, connect with tool maintainers, and share lists of your favorite tools.


Share a tool


Add your tool to the Toolhub catalog so others can benefit from and build on your work. Log in to Toolhub with your Wikimedia account to get started.


Get started building tools


Create your first tool, learn about running a bot, and get best practices.

Build your first tool


Learn how to edit wiki pages using Python and the Pywikibot framework. This tutorial helps you get started quickly using only your browser.


Learn about creating and running bots


Bots help maintain wikis by performing repetitive tasks. Get started creating and running bots by learning about best practices.


Best practices for open source tools


New to open source? Get tips to help you develop successful tools and bots, including choosing a license, publishing the code, and writing docs.


Learn with tutorials


Follow step-by-step guides to learn the basics of interacting with Wikimedia projects.

Build your first tool


Learn how to edit wiki pages using Python and the Pywikibot framework. This tutorial helps you get started quickly using only your browser.


Generate ideas for articles


Learn how to use the MediaWiki API to generate ideas for new Wikipedia articles. This tutorial uses Python and the Flask framework.


Write a bot that uses Wikidata


Use Python to handle large datasets from Wikidata and transfer data between tools in your workflow.


Display holidays from Wikipedia


Learn how to use the MediaWiki API to fetch holidays for a given date from Wikipedia. This tutorial also covers how to use the API to log in to Wikipedia and add new holidays. This tutorial uses Python and the Flask framework.


Add JavaScript or CSS to a wiki


Customize MediaWiki with client-side JavaScript and CSS. Share user scripts, and explore gadgets other people have created.


Host a tool on Wikimedia cloud servers


TODO: In retrospect, this seems odd in this section of the Dev Portal

Toolforge is a free hosting environment for running and managing tools. Get started with Toolforge by creating an account and setting up a basic web service.


Use APIs and data sources


Explore programming interfaces for building bots and tools.



Pywikibot is a Python library and collection of scripts that automate work on Wikimedia projects.




Browse libraries by programming language


API client libraries make it easier to write code that interacts with an API. Visit this list to browse popular libraries for the MediaWiki API by programming language.


Use the API


The MediaWiki API gives you programmatic access to content on any Wikimedia wiki. You can use the API to search and display wiki pages, get media files, edit pages, and manage wikis.



Download content in bulk


Access free downloads of wiki content and data that you can use in research, offline reading, bot editing, and other projects.


Query wiki databases


Wiki replicas are anonymized versions of the databases that back Wikimedia's production sites. Use Quarry to run and share SQL queries.



Host tools on Wikimedia servers


Access cloud services for performing analytics, administering bots, running web services, and hosting tools that help Wikimedia projects.

Run scripts in your browser


PAWS is a free, cloud-hosted playground for creating scripts and data visualizations related to Wikimedia projects. Log in with your Wikimedia account and create a notebook to get started.



Learn about cloud hosting for tools


Toolforge is a free hosting environment for running and managing tools. Developing a tool in Toolforge makes it easier to access Wikimedia content and data and to share your tool with others.


Contribute to Wikimedia open source


Learn how contributing works


Contribute by topic


Contribute by programming language


Search Wikimedia open source projects


Connect and learn


Note: many of the landing pages this leads to aren't really technical documentation.

Connect at hackathons and events


Communicate with the tech community


Learn and share technical skills


Get tech project updates


Learn about Wikimedia technical operations

  1. Technical writers use user journeys as a framework for information design that follows the principles of minimalism (or task-orientation), and layering (or progressive disclosure).