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User:SPage (WMF)/Flow browsertests

From mediawiki.org

no-JS errors in chrome localhost Frontend-rewrite run


  Scenario: I can see form to post a new topic without JavaScript # features/flow_no_javascript.feature:8
    Then I see the form to post a new topic # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:9
    And the post new topic form has an add topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:13
      expected visible? to return true, got false (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:14:in `/^the post new topic form has an add topic button$/'
      features/flow_no_javascript.feature:10:in `And the post new topic form has an add topic button'
    And the post new topic form has a preview button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:17
    And the post new topic form does not have a cancel button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:21

  Scenario: I can see form to reply to a topic without JavaScript # features/flow_no_javascript.feature:14
    Then I see the form to reply to a topic # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:25
    And the post new reply form has an add topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:29
      expected visible? to return true, got false (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:30:in `/^the post new reply form has an add topic button$/'
      features/flow_no_javascript.feature:16:in `And the post new reply form has an add topic button'

bogus Frontend-rewrite run


Don't run the localhost, Firefox 30

MEDIAWIKI_USER=Selenium_user MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD=XXX MEDIAWIKI_URL=http://localhost/wiki/index.php/ bundle exec cucumber features

    When I click the Edit title action # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:7
    Then I should be able to edit the title field with Title edited # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:20
    And I should be able to save the new title # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:32
    And the top post should have a heading which contains "Title edited" # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:102

  Scenario: Edit existing post # features/edit_existing.feature:18
    When I click Edit post # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:1
    Then I should be able to edit the post field with Post edited # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:14
    And I should be able to save the new post # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:26
    And the saved post should contain Post edited # features/step_definitions/edit_existing_steps.rb:36

@chrome @clean @ee-prototype.wmflabs.org @en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @test2.wikipedia.org
Feature: Create new topic anonymous

  Scenario: Add new Flow topic # features/flow_anon.feature:4
    Given I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1
    When I create a Title of Flow Topic in Flow new topic # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:51
    And I create a Body of Flow Topic into Flow body # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:60
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      features/flow_anon.feature:7:in `And I create a Body of Flow Topic into Flow body'
    And I click New topic save # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:34
    Then the top post should have a heading which contains "Title of Flow Topic" # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:102
    And the top post should have content which contains "Body of Flow Topic" # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:108

  Scenario: Anon does not see block or actions # features/flow_anon.feature:12
    Given I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1
    When I see a flow creator element # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:69
    Then the block author link does not exist # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:73

@chrome @clean @ee-prototype.wmflabs.org @en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login @test2.wikipedia.org
Feature: Create new topic logged in
  It requires the cldr extension, a "Flow QA" page, and a "Selenium user" who has
  permission to Delete (usually 'sysop'/administrator user right) and to Suppress
  (usually the 'oversight' user right).
  If the Selenium_user's Flow editor is VisualEditor, then the flow_page
  definitions have to change.

  Background: # features/flow_logged_in.feature:10
    Given I am logged in # mediawiki_selenium-0.2.23/lib/mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:12

  Scenario: Add new Flow topic and show author and block links # features/flow_logged_in.feature:13
    Given I have created a Flow topic # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:10
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:13:in `/^I have created a Flow topic$/'
      features/flow_logged_in.feature:14:in `Given I have created a Flow topic'
    And the author link is visible # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:26
    And the talk to author link is not visible # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:77
    And the block author link is not visible # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:81
    When I hover over the author link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:65
    Then the talk to author link is visible # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:85
    And the block author link is visible # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:89

  Scenario: Post Actions # features/flow_logged_in.feature:22
    Given I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1
    When I click the Post Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:30
    Then I should see a Hide button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:125
    And I should see a Delete button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:113
    And I should see a Suppress button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:137

  Scenario: Topic Actions # features/flow_logged_in.feature:29
    Given I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1
    When I click the Topic Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:47
    Then I should see a Hide topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:129
    And I should see a Delete topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:117
    And I should see a Suppress topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:141

@custom-browser @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org
Feature: Basic site for legacy devices

  Background: # features/flow_no_javascript.feature:4
    Given I am viewing the site in without JavaScript # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:1
    And I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1

  Scenario: I can see form to post a new topic without JavaScript # features/flow_no_javascript.feature:8
    Then I see the form to post a new topic # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:9
    And the post new topic form has an add topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:13
    And the post new topic form has a preview button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:17
    And the post new topic form does not have a cancel button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:21

  Scenario: I can see form to reply to a topic without JavaScript # features/flow_no_javascript.feature:14
    Then I see the form to reply to a topic # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:25
    And the post new reply form has an add topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:29
    And the post new reply form has a preview button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:33
    And the post new reply form does not have a cancel button # features/step_definitions/flow_no_javascript_steps.rb:37

@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login
Feature: Headers
  Assumes Flow is enabled for the User_talk namespace.

  Background: # features/header.feature:6
    Given I am logged in # mediawiki_selenium-0.2.23/lib/mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:12

  Scenario: No header on a new board # features/header.feature:9
    Given I am on a new board # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:5
    Then The header should say "This talk page currently has no header" # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:1

  Scenario: Edit header on a new board # features/header.feature:13
    Given I am on a new board # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:5
    When I click the edit header link # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:8
    And I see the edit header form # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:15
    And I type "test12345" into the header textbox # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:19
    And I click Save # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:23
    Then The header should say "test12345" # features/step_definitions/header_steps.rb:1

@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login
Feature: Headers
  Assumes Flow is enabled for the User_talk namespace.

  Background: # features/moderation.feature:6
    Given I am logged in # mediawiki_selenium-0.2.23/lib/mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:12
    And I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1

  Scenario: Deleting a topic # features/moderation.feature:10
    And I create a Flow topic with title "Deletemeifyoudare" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:1
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:3:in `/^I create a Flow topic with title "(.*?)"$/'
      features/moderation.feature:11:in `And I create a Flow topic with title "Deletemeifyoudare"'
    When I click the Topic Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:47
    And I click the Delete topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:121
    And I see a dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:12
    And I give reason for deletion as being "He's a naughty boy" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:24
    And I click Delete topic # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:28
    Then the top post should be marked as deleted # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:32

  Scenario: Suppressing a topic # features/moderation.feature:19
    And I create a Flow topic with title "Suppressmeifyoudare" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:1
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:3:in `/^I create a Flow topic with title "(.*?)"$/'
      features/moderation.feature:20:in `And I create a Flow topic with title "Suppressmeifyoudare"'
    When I click the Topic Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:47
    And I click the Suppress topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:145
    And I see a dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:12
    And I give reason for suppression as being "Quelling the peasants" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:37
    And I click Suppress topic # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:41
    Then the top post should be marked as suppressed # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:45

  Scenario: Cancelling a dialog without text # features/moderation.feature:28
    And I create a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of topic" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:1
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:3:in `/^I create a Flow topic with title "(.*?)"$/'
      features/moderation.feature:29:in `And I create a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of topic"'
    When I click the Topic Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:47
    And I click the Delete topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:121
    And I see a dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:12
    And I cancel the dialog # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:50
    Then I do not see the dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:54

  Scenario: Cancelling a dialog with text # features/moderation.feature:36
    And I create a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of topic" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:1
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:3:in `/^I create a Flow topic with title "(.*?)"$/'
      features/moderation.feature:37:in `And I create a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of topic"'
    When I click the Topic Actions link # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:47
    And I click the Delete topic button # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:121
    And I see a dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:12
    And I give reason for suppression as being "About to change my mind" # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:37
    And I cancel the dialog # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:50
    And I confirm # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:58
    Then I do not see the dialog box # features/step_definitions/moderation_steps.rb:54

@chrome @clean @en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @test2.wikipedia.org
Feature: Replying

  Background: # features/reply.feature:4
    Given I am logged in # mediawiki_selenium-0.2.23/lib/mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:12
    And I am on Flow page # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:1

  Scenario: I can reply # features/reply.feature:8
    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Reply test" # features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:18
      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:name=>"topiclist_content", :tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:62:in `/^I create a (.+) into Flow body$/'
      ./features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb:21:in `/^I have created a Flow topic with title "(.+)"$/'
      features/reply.feature:9:in `Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Reply test"'
    And I reply with comment "Boom boom shake shake the room" # features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb:1
    Then the top post's first reply contains the text "Boom boom shake shake the room" # features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb:11

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/action_menu_permalink.feature:16 # Scenario: Actions menu Permalink
cucumber features/close_reopen_topics.feature:7 # Scenario: Closing a topic and then changing your mind
cucumber features/close_reopen_topics.feature:17 # Scenario: Closing a topic
cucumber features/flow_anon.feature:4 # Scenario: Add new Flow topic
cucumber features/flow_logged_in.feature:13 # Scenario: Add new Flow topic and show author and block links
cucumber features/moderation.feature:10 # Scenario: Deleting a topic
cucumber features/moderation.feature:19 # Scenario: Suppressing a topic
cucumber features/moderation.feature:28 # Scenario: Cancelling a dialog without text
cucumber features/moderation.feature:36 # Scenario: Cancelling a dialog with text
cucumber features/reply.feature:8 # Scenario: I can reply

27 scenarios (10 failed, 17 passed)
302 steps (10 failed, 55 skipped, 237 passed)