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User:SGrabarczuk (WMF)/sandbox/3/id

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page User:SGrabarczuk (WMF)/sandbox/3 and the translation is 33% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Pembaharuan Peningkatan Desktop

Tahukah Anda?

Berdasarkan data terbaru kami, 88% penyunting aktif dari 13 situs wiki percobaan telah memutuskan untuk menggunakan pembaharuan yang kami terapkan..

Hello Saya ingin memberitahukan informasi terbaru terkait dengan proyek Peningkatan Desktop kepada Anda.

Proyek ini telah dikerjakan oleh kelompok situs Yayasan Wikimedia sejak 2019. Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk membuat fasilitas antarmuka yang lebih bermanfaat bagi penyunting yang sudah mahir dan membuat pembaca lebih nyaman dalam membaca situs-situs Wikimedia. Proyek ini terdiri dari serangkaian pembaharuan fitur yang diharapkan dapat membantu khalayak ramai dalam membaca dan mempelajari konten, berpindah dari satu situs ke situs lainnya, mencari konten, berganti bahasa, membuka tab-tab dalam artikel, menggunakan menu pengguna, dan lain-lain.

Pembaharuan ini sudah dapat dilihat secara langsung oleh pembaca dan penyunting di 13 situs wiki berbeda, termasuk situs Wikipedia dalam bahasa Prancis, Portugis, dan Farsi.

Pembaharuan-pembaharuan ini hanya mempengaruhi pengguna atau pembaca yang menggunakan kulit muka Vector. Pengguna yang menggunakan kulit muka Monobook atau Timeless tidak akan melihat pembaharuan-pembaharuan ini.

Fitur-fitur yang telah diterapkan:

Sejauh ini, kami sudah menerapkan fitur-fitur berikut:

  • Reconfigured logo - which will allow us to make the header sticky (fixed at the top of the screen). The sticky header will include the search, article tabs, and the user menu.
  • Collapsible sidebar - which allows to focus on the content. On some wikis, this has been a gadget.
  • Limited content width in articles and similar pages (not special pages or other pages containing logs) - which makes reading and learning easier. For more details about this change, like what we would do with the empty space or how this relates to large tables, see our FAQ.
  • Moved and improved search - which allows searching more quickly and effectively (provides pictures and descriptions of the search terms).
  • Exposed language button - which helps to notice the interlanguage links and allows to switch between the languages more often.

How we collaborate with the communities

We do not have one final vision of the interface after the deployment of all changes. Instead, we measure the impact of each change individually. In addition to that, we learn about the communities' preferences using a variety of methods. You can find all major reports on our Repository page.

  • Prior to building any feature, we performed research with readers and editors. We identified the problems with usability, and based our decisions on the findings of this research (example).
  • We also perform user research on prototypes of our proposed changes to make sure they address the identified problems (example).
  • We have run two larger-scale prototype testing rounds (first, second). In these, editors could gain an understanding of our ideas, and share what they appreciate or find confusing.
  • Shortly after the deployment of each change, we collect data on how readers and editors use the changed functionality. Depending on the feature, we may divide users into two groups where only one can see the change. After the test, we compare the results and establish whether the changed interface works better.
  • Volunteers have shared feedback on talk pages. This has been taking place on the project talk page, but also on the Village Pumps.
  • In 2019 at Wikimania, we had a roundtable discussion (outcomes). We are planning to have a similar discussion this year as well.

How to enable the improvements

Global preferences
  • It is possible to opt-in individually in the appearance tab within the preferences by unchecking the "Use Legacy Vector" box. (It has to be empty.) Also, it is possible to opt-in on all wikis using the global preferences.
  • If you think this would be good as a default for all readers and editors of this wiki, feel free to start a conversation with the community and contact me.
  • On wikis where the changes are visible by default for all, logged-in users can always opt-out to the Legacy Vector. There is an easily accessible link in the sidebar of the new Vector.

Informasi lebih lanjut dan acara-acara terkait

Jika anda ingin mengetahui perkembangan terbaru terkait dengan proyek ini, anda dapat berlangganan nawala kami.

Anda dapat membaca laman-laman proyek, mengunjungi laman tanya jawab, berdiskusi dalam laman pembicaraan proyek, dan bergabung dalam pertemuan jarak jauh yang akan kami adakan pada tanggal 6 Agustus pukul 16:00 UTC (23.00 WIB, 00.00 WITA, 01.00 WIT)) Anda juga dapat bergabung dalam diskusi-diskusi di gelaran Wikimania (kami akan membagikan rinciannya nanti).

Bagaimana cara bergabung dalam pertemuan daring kami

Thank you!

Atas nama Kelompok Situs Yayasan Wikimedia ~~~~

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