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From mediawiki.org



Configuration Management


Configuration of search will require similar functino as before. Lucene-Search extension is configured by supplying it with access to the mediawiki installation folder. It then generates a local setting.conf & a global settings.conf. This type of configuration is then good for a single standalon configuration.

How it works.

The Config class parses localsettings.conf as well as other files. Update (incrmental or not) assume that OIA repository




  1. . Map: Wikidatabase.NameSpace <-> Analysis <-> Solr.Index.Shard
  2. . Reindex how.
  1. . Search Map: [Query,Pref] <-> Wiki.Search.Front.App <-> SOLR.Searcher <-> Index.Shards <-> Doc List.
  2. . Search Box: [UserText,Pref] <-> Wiki.Search.Front.App <-> SOLR.Searcher <-> Index.Shards <-> Doc List.

using a single top level analyzer would simplify thing to no end.


  1. JMX reporting