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User:MHolloway (WMF)/Drafts/Push DB Schema

From mediawiki.org

This page documents the planned schema for MariaDB tables to support push notifications.




Column name Data type Nullable Description Example
eps_id int unsigned N Autoincremented row ID (primary key) 1
eps_user int unsigned N Central user ID 1
eps_token text N Device token from the push provider U~X835]LLdCR*-!(rP1`yn?sT&l.!WEL;9ej#]P6,g7CF]KbL+bP+Ekq'SO0udVxxE+swjwR`{cz"BbDk6}IRR5"ASbX2FQn
eps_provider tinyint unsigned N The push provider associated with the token (foreign key to epp_id) 1
eps_unread_count int unsigned N Unread message count for use in the notification badge (for iOS) 500
eps_updated timestamp N Auto-updating column providing the time the subscription was last updated 1581719057


Column name Data type Nullable Description Example
epp_id tinyint unsigned N Autoincremented row ID (primary key) 1
epp_name tinytext N provider name ('fcm' or 'apns') fcm