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Karthik R Prasad



Email  : karthikprasad008@gmail.com
Skype  : prasadkarthik
Facebook: fb.com/prasadkarthik
Google+ : gplus.to/karthikprasad
twitter : twitter.com/_karthikprasad

About Me


A student of Computer Science and Engineering at PESIT, Bangalore, I am a Tech Enthusiast and an avid Nature Lover.

I have done courses on 'Introduction to Artificial Intelligence' and 'Machine Learning'. My special interests are in Text Processing and Data Mining. I have undertaken course in 'Natural Language Processing' and have chosen 'Data Mining' as an elective. I have done a couple of projects based on Natural Language Processing.

Computers and coding is something that has fascinated me from a very long time. The fact that machines could be made to "think" by instructing them to do tasks in a logical sequence simply blew my mind. Apart from a natural interest in Logic & Computing, My specific interests are:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Mining
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Algorithms and Data Structures

I have always been attracted to languages. While geometry is credited with the birth of modern science, I believe that ancient science was born from languages, the study of their structures and grammars. My dream is, therefore, to rediscover the core principles behind languages and gather insight into the working of nature and humans.

I try to extract and extend an idea from one field and apply the same in another(especially computers)...hence I catch up with "Ideas worth Spreading" on TED.

I enjoy

  • Gamification
  • Nature Photography
  • Gardening
  • Philosophy and Ancient Cultural Life
  • Reading "fa-fi" and "sci-fi" Novels.

On a more philosophical note, I believe that Human Mind is the Most Powerful creation of Nature and that it's thoughts can "Define/Redefine Dimensions".

I intend to shift the day-to-day activities of Human Beings, Technologically, on to a "virtual platform"; thus curbing pollution and corruption, facilitating the harmonious co-existence of the various lifeforms to bring about a balance in the ingredients of nature.

Google Summer of Code 2012


Link to my Proposal for the project Wikipedia Corpus Tools