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User:Jeroen De Dauw/RFC muliplayer go

From mediawiki.org

This RFC aims to describe how we could play multiplayer go at the WMDE office.

The basic idea is that instead of having two factions (black and white), there would be multiple factions. There are several points on which the rules can vary in two or more ways, creating many possible distinct ways to play such multiplayer games. Some possible rule sets are described below:

Free for all


Can be either 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1.

Imagine a board with 3 adversarial players, R, G and B.

- R R R -
R G - B R
- R R R - 
  • If R places in the center, both G and B lose their piece, both going to R.
  • If G places in the center, B lose their piece, going to G.
  • If B places in the center, G lose their piece, going to B.
- R R R -
R G - G R
- B B B - 
  • If either R of B play in the center, G loses their pieces, the pieces going to the player making the capture move.
  • G is not allowed to play center.
  • In effect, as capturing is concerned, enemy stones are enemy stones, it does not matter which enemy
Captured stones

After the game ended...

  • Are used to fill the territory of the player they belong to.
  • Count as a single point for the player that captured them.
  • Can be used by the player that captured them to put in territory of choice.



Can be either 2v2, 2v1 or 2v1v1.

  • The rules for the single players are similar to the FFA ones.
Different turn options
  • Teams get a single turn which one player of their choice makes
  • Teams get a single turn which players make in alternating fashion
  • (only for matches with equal team sizes) Teams get a turn per player and ...
    • turns are (team 0 player 0, team 0 player 1, team 1 player 0, team 1 player 1)
    • turns are (team 0 player 0, team 1 player 0, team 0 player 1, team 1 player 1)
Friendly fire

Team 0: B W, team 1: R G

- B B B -
- B - B -
- B B B - 
  • Shared groups: W is allowed to play in the center
  • Distinct groups: W is not allowed to play in the center and would be killed if there was a W which got surrounded by black and ...
    • friendly fire casualties count as -1
    • friendly fire casualties count as 0
Score counting
  • Max(team)
  • Min(team)
  • Avg(team)
  • elimination: team that loses a player loses the game, where a team player loses if they ...
    • have no free stones (ie only those enclosed by teammate or none at all)
    • do not have and cannot make an eye with their own stones
    • do not have and cannot make an eye to which their stones contribute as ...
      • critical component
      • critical or contributing component (ie one connecting a third eye)
      • any attached stone
Amount of fun
  • >9000
  • infinity+1
  • the speed of nyancat ~=[,,_,,]:3

Prior Art


There are some Multiplayer Go games described at Sensei's Library. The most notable form is probably pair Go, which is also played at tournaments.

Category:What to do in the WMDE office when bored Category:Things thought up at c-base around 02:00 Category:Ideas that have not caused anyone to end up in the category of "inventors killed by their own inventions" yet Category:Pages with silly categories that might very well be removed by some person with OCD