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User:JAufrecht (WMF)/T222243

From mediawiki.org


MM88MMM ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,

 88   a8"     "8a 88P'    "8a  
 88   8b       d8 88       d8  
 88,  "8a,   ,a8" 88b,   ,a8"  
 "Y888 `"YbbdP"'  88`YbbdP"'   



This page contains thoughts and ideas for creating structured and substantive improvements to Toolforge technical documentation




Monthly top page views


Organization of technical documentation


Wikitech Overall

March 2019 - technical documentation in the Wikitech namespace is not formally organized beyond the usage of categories at this time. Visitors to the site might be confused by its current structure, which visually mimics a more hierarchical website (see main page). Users who do not know the differences between cloud services and tech ops may be confused. Introductory, getting started, and informational portals for different products and services appear on the same main-page. When the visitor clicks through the links on the main page they will encounter pages of vastly different purposes, conveying information in vastly different ways. These pages are basically siloed. Once a user leaves the main page, they are just where they are with little guidance to help them find what they need.

File:Wikitech Site Map Feb 2019.svg
Very rough outline of technical documentation on Wikitech (March 2019)

Page level structure

  • Are users able to find what they need using the current structure?
  • Do pages follow basic templates that effectively convey information?

Tickets on Phabricator for individual pages


Update and improve Toolforge technical documentation

Key Toolforge pages



  • Portal:Toolforge AKA Portal: Tool Labs (Redirected)
  • phab:T204132
  • Consistently, the most viewed "toolforge" related page
  • Entry point for many seeking information and help about Toolforge
  • This page is linked to frequently from outside sources; its content and organization is key.
  • Getting Started
  • Links to Help/How-to Documentation
  • Links to About Documentation
  • Links to Reference Documentation


  • Why is this called a Portal?
  • What are the key reasons visitors come to this page?
    • Information about Toolforge?
    • For Help and support content?
    • By mistake?
  • Does the layout/visual design of this page aid users in finding the information they need?
  • Image in Toolforge specific navbar is for Cloud Services. Is this confusing?
    • Yes Done Its actually the old "tool labs" logo. Lets update it to be the correct one! BryanDavis (talk)



This is consistently viewed in the top 3 pages on Wikitech PRIORTY







Help:At a glance: Cloud VPS and Toolforge


Potential Structure and Content Notes


ToolForge Portal:

Toolforge USER help

  • Work on this first (sections)

-- For this namespace (Own Navbar of selected stuff) -- Curated category for these pages (TOOLFORGE USER DOCUMENTATION)

Toolforge ADMIN help (under portal but needs to be moved to help)

  • Work on second (sections)

-- For this namespace (A navbar of selected information) -- Curated category for these pages (TOOLFORGE ADMIN DOCUMENTATION)

"My First XYZ Tool" should be highlighted under the "How To" section

Developer stories

  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand what Toolforge is
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand what is possible to do with Toolforge
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand to how to use Toolforge to create a tool
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to work with others to develop or maintain a tool
  • I am an experienced or newer developer, and I want to learn about how other developers have used Toolforge
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to onboard experienced developers who are working on or with Toolforge
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to share information about how to perform a task or complete a process with a less experienced developer
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to find information about how Toolforge works
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to fix something that is broken about Toolforge





Keeping things consistent

  • Tool Account (Both words always capitalized)
  • Toolforge (capitalized as a proper noun)
  • tool (lower case)

Pages I would like to delete


Pages I would like to see

  • How to get started with Toolforge - walkthrough w/decision tree

Nonpriority pages for update


Pages outside Wikitech we should update



                  88          88          88 88             
                  ""          88          88 88             
                              88          88 88             

88,dPYba,,adPYba, 88 ,adPPYb,88 ,adPPYb,88 88 ,adPPYba, 88P' "88" "8a 88 a8" `Y88 a8" `Y88 88 a8P_____88 88 88 88 88 8b 88 8b 88 88 8PP""""""" 88 88 88 88 "8a, ,d88 "8a, ,d88 88 "8b, ,aa 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 `"8bbdP"Y8 88 `"Ybbd8"'



This page contains thoughts and ideas for creating structured and substantive improvements to Toolforge technical documentation




Monthly top page views


Organization of technical documentation


Wikitech Overall

March 2019 - technical documentation in the Wikitech namespace is not formally organized beyond the usage of categories at this time. Visitors to the site might be confused by its current structure, which visually mimics a more hierarchical website (see main page). Users who do not know the differences between cloud services and tech ops may be confused. Introductory, getting started, and informational portals for different products and services appear on the same main-page. When the visitor clicks through the links on the main page they will encounter pages of vastly different purposes, conveying information in vastly different ways. These pages are basically siloed. Once a user leaves the main page, they are just where they are with little guidance to help them find what they need.

File:Wikitech Site Map Feb 2019.svg
Very rough outline of technical documentation on Wikitech (March 2019)

Page level structure

  • Are users able to find what they need using the current structure?
  • Do pages follow basic templates that effectively convey information?

Tickets on Phabricator for individual pages


Update and improve Toolforge technical documentation

Key Toolforge pages



  • Portal:Toolforge AKA Portal: Tool Labs (Redirected)
  • phab:T204132
  • Consistently, the most viewed "toolforge" related page
  • Entry point for many seeking information and help about Toolforge
  • This page is linked to frequently from outside sources; its content and organization is key.
  • Getting Started
  • Links to Help/How-to Documentation
  • Links to About Documentation
  • Links to Reference Documentation


  • Why is this called a Portal?
  • What are the key reasons visitors come to this page?
    • Information about Toolforge?
    • For Help and support content?
    • By mistake?
  • Does the layout/visual design of this page aid users in finding the information they need?
  • Image in Toolforge specific navbar is for Cloud Services. Is this confusing?
    • Yes Done Its actually the old "tool labs" logo. Lets update it to be the correct one! BryanDavis (talk)



This is consistently viewed in the top 3 pages on Wikitech PRIORTY







Help:At a glance: Cloud VPS and Toolforge


Potential Structure and Content Notes


ToolForge Portal:

Toolforge USER help

  • Work on this first (sections)

-- For this namespace (Own Navbar of selected stuff) -- Curated category for these pages (TOOLFORGE USER DOCUMENTATION)

Toolforge ADMIN help (under portal but needs to be moved to help)

  • Work on second (sections)

-- For this namespace (A navbar of selected information) -- Curated category for these pages (TOOLFORGE ADMIN DOCUMENTATION)

"My First XYZ Tool" should be highlighted under the "How To" section

Developer stories

  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand what Toolforge is
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand what is possible to do with Toolforge
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to understand to how to use Toolforge to create a tool
  • I am a new developer and/or new to the Wikimedia ecosystem, and I want to work with others to develop or maintain a tool
  • I am an experienced or newer developer, and I want to learn about how other developers have used Toolforge
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to onboard experienced developers who are working on or with Toolforge
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to share information about how to perform a task or complete a process with a less experienced developer
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to find information about how Toolforge works
  • I am an experienced developer, and I want to fix something that is broken about Toolforge





Keeping things consistent

  • Tool Account (Both words always capitalized)
  • Toolforge (capitalized as a proper noun)
  • tool (lower case)

Pages I would like to delete


Pages I would like to see

  • How to get started with Toolforge - walkthrough w/decision tree

Nonpriority pages for update


Pages outside Wikitech we should update



88 88 ,d ,d 88 88 88 88,dPPYba, ,adPPYba, MM88MMM MM88MMM ,adPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, 88P' "8a a8" "8a 88 88 a8" "8a 88P' "88" "8a 88 d8 8b d8 88 88 8b d8 88 88 88 88b, ,a8" "8a, ,a8" 88, 88, "8a, ,a8" 88 88 88 8Y"Ybbd8"' `"YbbdP"' "Y888 "Y888 `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88