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User:Guiiks93/GSoC 2012 application

From mediawiki.org



Name: Guillaume Nominé
Email: nomine.guillaume AT gmail DOT com
18 years old. French student.

Contact/working info


Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour.
Typical working hours: From 9 a.m. to midnight generally.
IRC or IM networks/handle(s): Guiiks on irc.freenode.org | Guiiks on Skype



All projects listed on the Summer Of Code page in the wiki interested me, they match my profile and I'm currently reading your documentation and source code to be ready to develop any functionality or even to translate pages in French if necessary.

About you


I have been interested in open source since the age of 14. I regularly participate to meeting such as "Rencontre Mondiale du Logiciel Libre" in Strasbourg this year, where I actually met Mr. Stallman himself who comforted me in the idea of developping free software.
I'm currently a student at University of Strasbourg.
I develop daily in Java, C#, PHP (with HTML and CSS) and in Python mainly.
Regularly, I participate to computer contests like the “Nuit de l'Info” where I won a prize for developing a Facebook Application that allows people to exchange money on this social network (PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS). I also took part to the “Codeplay” contest where I won a prize for developing a music software (In C with SDL http://guiiks.netai.net/GBand.zip).
I'm also interested in computer security, web and system vulnerability. For exemple, I participated to the “Crack-me” contest organized by ESET and audit some systems during my free time which allows me, among other things, to report 5 vulnerabilities discovered on the Nasa Hubble's website. As you could have guess, I really love computing !



About my work style, I start my project with some diagrams and sketches on paper. Then I write specifications, deadlines on my computer and begin to develop. If I need to share a small source code, I use Pastebin, or if it has been installed for the project, I use Git or SVN.
And if I need some help, I ask people on IRC programming language channel.

Past open source experience


Google Summer of Code will be my first real experience in open source because for the moment, I developed only my own free tools, which are just shared on my website. But 6 month ago, I started another project, more important, a cloud computing website http://sharea.net (which will be renamed soon), but sources are not public for the moment, they need to be perfected :)

Any other info


Watch my resume in French http://guiiks.netai.net/cv.pdf
My blog http://guiiks.wordpress.com