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From mediawiki.org

There will be code added to core that logically can be split into two different parts:

  1. Frontend/client code
    • This is where extensions can be browsed, rated, downloaded/uploaded, installed, activated, configured, etc. and repositories can be added or removed.
    • This code will be implemented as a (series of?) SpecialPage(s)
  2. Repository/server code
    • This code manages the extensions to be served to the frontent clients.
    • Clients can be remote, or local.

Things I need to review



  • keep all old packages once updated or not (to save disk space)
  • turn off repository behavior (default is on)

Metadata file


For the extension-manager to work correctly we'll need a manifest/metadata file that describes the extension. It will need to contain the following types of information in some parse-able format:

field type required notes
extension id string yes
  • a unique identifier that contains the name, version, (and arch?)
  • will also be the name of the package
extension name string yes human readable name
version string yes
description string no binary text field
dependencies array of extension ids no must be previously installed or being installed at the same time
pre-dependencies array of extension ids no must be previously installed
recommended array of extension ids no strong relationship with another extension
suggests array of extension ids no weak relationship
breaks array of extension ids no extensions this extension will break
conflicts array of extension ids no
replaces array of extension ids no
provides array of extension ids no
licensing array of extension ids no
checksum(s) string yes
list of files ?
arch string no platform architecture info if that's an issue
builddate string -- YYYYMMDDHHMMSS no
author(s) string, array no




Command Action Notes
install [extension-package] Install an extension-package. This is not the same thing as activating an extension. Installation is required for a Mediaiwiki instance to server an extension-package (as a repository.)
uninstall/ remove [extension-package] Remove an installed extension. This will deactivate an extension if it is activated.
activate [extension-package] Turn an extension on. This is analogous to the current idea of installing an extension -- the functionality of the wiki is changed in some way. This action has the possibility of altering the wiki's infrastructure in some way (installed needed database tables, for example.)
deactivate [extension-package] Turn an extension off. This is analogous to the current idea of uninstalling an extension. The functionality that the extension provided is now lost.
search [query] Search for an extension-package in the list of current repositories. Query the listed repositories for installed packages that can be downloaded, installed and activated.
list [installed, activated, all] List the currently installed, activated, or both - extensions.
update [extension-package] Query the repositories to see if an update is available and update an extension.
check-update [extension-package] Check if an update is available.
update-to [extension-package] [version] Update to a particular version.
downgrade [extension-package] Downgrade an extension. Might downgrade to a local, older copy of the extension, or fetch an older version.
downgrade-to [extension-package] [version] Downgrade to a particular version.
info [extension-package] Get the information about a particular extension.
repolist List the repositories and their state (added/activated.)
version [extension-package] Get the version for an extension
comment [extension-package]
rate [extension-package]


command action notes
add Add a repository to the list.
remove Remove a listed repository
activate Activate this repository for querying, installations, etc.
deactivate Deactivate this repository. It will stay in the list, but won't be queried.