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From mediawiki.org
Clément Flipo
Clément Flipo
Clément Flipo
Product Owner and Co-Founder, Dokit & Wikifab
My goal is to improve the general usability of the platform.

About me

Hi! I am Clément Flipo, co-founder of Wikifab and Dokit.io

In 2015, we have started to built a large community (Wikifab.org) of people willing to share their creations and DIY projects by levaraging both the Mediawiki and Semantic Mediawiki software, and are convinced that Mediawiki can be leveraged to share know-how at a large scale and to build engaged communities thanks to social features.

My work

With Dokit, we have acquired over the years, a good understanding on how businesses (MediaWiki users or not) see in MediaWiki a great way to share knowledge within the organization.

We have also developed a rather good knowledge about how to improve the general UX of a wiki (Responsive design, Page layout, etc.) and thus improve the usability of the platform.

Contact me