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User:C.H.M.C. attala

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Pauline McAdams == born Sept 30 19 15 in new port Mississippi
to Ollie Whitfield Odom ans Bessie Sudduth ; 

• [A HARD LIFE AND HARD WORK FOR THE KIDS] • 30.5.1915, to , BORN IN KOSCIUSKO MS. ATTALA CO. • • [A HARD LIFE AND HARD WORK FOR THE KIDS] • 30.5.1915, to , BORN IN KOSCIUSKO MS. ATTALA CO. • • [A HARD LIFE AND HARD WORK FOR THE KIDS] • 30.5.1915, to , BORN IN KOSCIUSKO MS. ATTALA CO. •Pauline Mcadams' life was a hard life and hard work for her children. Pauline was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi. Attala Co. to Ollie and Bessie Odom. One of twelve children growing up on a small farm as share cropper working for one third of the crops. Ollie her father had to make moon shine to make ends meet. Pauline at ninety two remembers When her and sister Delance used to help on the farm and work in the fields.Hoeing the garden, picking blue berries. black berries. gathering black wallnut, for a cake, and ride the old mule to the store, and hold the sacks on the old mule when they crossed the creek on the way home. And setting on a hill looking out for their daddy when he made moomshine.she alway talk about playing ball with her sisters, sounds like they had a lot of fun most of the time. Pauline had a lot of respect for her mother and father, she talked about them all the time. How her father was afraid of storm's and how strict he was with their boy friends. Her father and mother would walk them to church on Sunday with their boy friends. how he would holler catch-up, if they got behind.She has a lot of stories about Delance and Lee helping her mother boil clothes in a old wash pot and carrying tubs of water and using the old rub board and making lie soap and making sassafras tea, cooking poke salad, cornbread and home made biscuits. Pauline married German Mcadams on Feb 13, 1937 together they worked a small farm as share croppers. Picked cottion for other farmers at three cents a pound, and they worked at the cotton mill in Kosciusko, Ms. and help her father Ollie,with the moon shine. They lived in a old army tent for a year or more. had five children by 1948. Two boys and three girls.Sarah. Charles. Beatrice. Daisy, and John H.After her husband's death on Dec. 3, 1948. she had to move in with her mother in a room that Johnnie Allen made out of old boards attached to her mother's old house, it snowed in side in winter time.They had to put out a lot of buckets when it rained.She had to cook on a old tin heater. she went to work keeping house and moved in another one room cotton storage house with a stove in it. working the field next to hers, for room and board.She got two or three eggs.cup of flour, some corn meal and two pint jars of canned food a day,for about twelve hours work. and milk three cows to get milk for the baby. We planted a garden in the back yard. Some times we would go to the little pounds and catch fish It was hard to eat,she would go with out eating so all the kids could eat.It wasn't much for six people. but she was hard headed, and work hard and was very stubborn,not the kind of woman to give up in defeat.She got a job in the cotton mill in kosciusko and moved into a mill house that had two room and a stove. two beds. but she had to walk to work everyday about two miles, then come home and clean the house and cook and take care of her children without complaining. After about one year of working in the cotton mill, she bought a bigger house.and she was very happy and proud of it for a while.Then every thing went bad again for her. The cotton mill closed in the early fiftys she was out of work for a while, she lost the house to her sister Alma Peavy. Her brother Walter Odom had work in the cotton mill with her. He moved to Arkansas to work in the cotton mill there. He help her get a job in the cotton mill in, Bine Bluff Ark. and he help her moved to Pine Bluff. She was very happy to go back to work. She was back in a small room house and couldn't bring all her kids over for a couple of years. But, she finely got all five children over. She still had to walk to work ever day for ten year. She had a hard time in the beginning. or all of her life. And it did't get any better untill all her children got old enough to work, or got married. She was very proud of her children and her work. She worked for 16 years at the cotton mill in Pine Bluff, only missed one day she was very proud of her work history and still talked about it, and at 92 she still talks about going back to work in the old cotton mill.The cotton mill has been closed for years. She still worried to much about her children more than she worried about her self. She had help from her children but, not much. But, some don't have much. She did't need a lot to be happy. She was happy just to have a place to live and food on the table and to know her children were all right and didn't bother her to much. She like peace and quite and like for ever one to come by. But, she like to be left alone most of the time and do every thing for her self. She has a hard time keeping up now at ninety two years old. But, she is still very hard headed and very proud and wants to do for her self. Don't want any one to help her when she needs help. She can fool everybody.