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User:ArielGlenn/Related website sets

From mediawiki.org

Notes with links for the Related Website Sets approach to mitigation of third party cookie/block tracking phaseout.



It would allow the current wiki login mechanism across wikis and wiki families to continue to work normally for users of browsers that adopt this; no code changes no changes to the design of the login mechanism would be required. However, all third party cookie access would need to be accomplished via the Storage Access API [1], requiring client-side code to enable access to third party cookies. [1]

Browser vendor overview


Protocol owner: Google

Adopting browser vendors: Google, Microsoft (partially?)

Opposed browser vendors: Apple [2], Mozilla [3] and [4]

Browser adoption


Google Chrome 113+ -- After April 25, 2024 [5]

Microsoft Edge 121+ -- The functionality can be enabled; third party cookies permitted by default [6]



There is not an official specification yet, but there is a work in progress draft. [7]

Implementation procedure


Submit list of related domains to a github repo as a pull request according to the procedure described in the Related Webset Sets repo [8], and be sure it passes technical and other validity checks; then wait 2 weeks after the pull request is merged for installed copies of Chrome to pick it up [9]



According to the submission guidelines [10]:

Each domain must be a registrable domain (i.e., eTLD+1).

One domain should be designated as "set primary" (a "representative domain"). The rest, if they are not service domains, would be listed in an "associated" subset, only 5 of these are permitted. See also an earlier github issue [11] about this.

Variants of ccTLD may also be declared (example: wikipedia.gr) with no limit on the number of these.

Service domains may be declared in a "services" subset, with no limit on the number of these. However, these domains must not be crawlable, and must have a homepage that redirects to a different domain or results in 4xx (client error) or 5xx (server error). These too must be of the form eTLD+1.

We have rather more domains than five (or 6 if one is "primary"): wikipedia.org, wikidata.org, wikimedia.org, wikifunctions.org, wikivoyage.org, wiktionary.org, wikisource.org, wikibooks.org and so on. None of these qualifies I am uncertain if these can qualify as service domains.

Calls to requestStorageAccess() and requestStorageAccessFor(origin) will be auto-granted by the browser for the first 5 associated domains listed and auto-rejected for the remainder. If a service domain calls requestStorageAccessFor(origin), the call is automatically rejected.[12]

More reading


