Is there a way to also send the pdf-form to the user who filled the formula?
I shy away from editing the extention code directly but I think there is no other way?
Can you help me with that?
Is there a way to also send the pdf-form to the user who filled the formula?
I shy away from editing the extention code directly but I think there is no other way?
Can you help me with that?
I solved it...
I added th the CIFormsSubmit.php on line 137 this:
if ($user->getEmail() !== '') {
$mail->addAddress( $user->getEmail() );
Now the Mail es sent to the user who filld the formula if he/she is loggend-in and has a email-adress in user. may be not the best solution but works
@Parzival1200 thank you, I will take it into account at the next release