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Topic on User talk:Shirayuki

My bad translate tags

Summary by Shirayuki

Yes Done

Adamw (talkcontribs)

Hi, apologies for making the bad changes to various translated pages, and thank you for helping clean up the mess I left. I was wondering if you could explain what went wrong with a change like this, and how I can better verify my work next time. Maybe the mistakes are more visible in the translation admin interface?

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Adamw (talkcontribs)

I tried to compare the rendered English and Japanese pages at each revision and they look identical to me. Where should I be looking to see a problem?

The thought behind my edit is that <translate> tags don't need to be closed and opened again immediately, they can span multiple translation units safely and this makes the wikitext easier to understand. I was hoping that my change wouldn't invalidate any of the translated units, but maybe that wasn't the case?

If you agree this is a worthwhile change but I made a mistake somewhere, I'd be happy to apply in smaller bites so we can experiment carefully and still improve the markup. If this page doesn't feel important enough to spend time on, I would understand that as well!

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Compare paragraphs. "<translate> tags don't need to be closed and opened again immediately" is wrong.

Adamw (talkcontribs)

Please let me know which paragraphs to compare, and in which language, or maybe post a screenshot? I still don't see where the mistakes occur.

The documentation suggests that <translate> can and should span multiple translation units, maybe the documentation is wrong, or I misunderstood it?

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Compare the above two links. Compare the section "Dependencies". Why don't you find???

Adamw (talkcontribs)

I see it now, thank you for your patience. I was looking for a text or translation unit change, but you were pointing out the extra newline in my version. I see the documentation about this under "splitting units", it seems that the translate extension requires the extra newline to automatically split units, otherwise they will be considered part of the same paragraph.

My suggestion is that the translation units (T:6 and T:94) should be merged, since they are meant to be rendered as a single paragraph—do you know why this hasn't been done already? Maybe just to avoid the invalidation and extra work for translators?

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

I don't understand what you wanted to do. You broke the page.

Adamw (talkcontribs)

I was trying to reduce the number of unnecessary translate tags, they clutter the wikitext and make it difficult to edit.

The extra line break hardly "broke" the page, but I agree that my cleanup change should have been pure markup and not caused any visible differences on the page. Since it's partly my responsibility as a developer to help maintain mediawiki.org pages, I'll continue to do translation cleanup when possible, so I appreciate your help. In the future, at least while I'm still learning the nuances of page translation, I'll make smaller changes so they can be reverted individually.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Pols12 (talkcontribs)

As we already explained you Shirayuki, your “fix” still produces wrong markup with post-2020 Translate syntax: we need to exclude bullets from translate tags, like this.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

But your edit makes the existing translation units outdated.

Pols12 (talkcontribs)

True, indeed, but easy to fix in any language: if you mark it now, I commit to fix all translations today.

Pols12 (talkcontribs)

Done, thank you Shirayuki!