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Topic on Talk:Growth/2023

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)

I see that there is an empty space between "Suggested edits", "Your impact", "Your mentor" and "Get help with editing" modules. Is there any proposed module for that empty space?

I do not see a "Ask the Help Desk" button in Homepage; a similar button would be useful (to choose ask the mentor or ask the Help Desk).

Why the "Create a new article" task cannot be checked? If it is not a real task, it could be integrated somewhere else, but the users still need a tutorial about how to create an article (where the notability is also described). "Create a new article" could be another module, but in this case it should be recommended to edit before that (with "Suggested edits").

Also, a tutorial about translating pages would be good (with ContentTranslation and with a draft/subpage in "User page").

MMiller (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi @NGC 54 -- you bring up an interesting point about having the "ask the help desk" button on the homepage. In the first version of the homepage we actually did include both buttons. Here is a screenshot. But we found that the "mentor" button got about 15 times more questions than the "help desk" button. Based on how obvious it was that users preferred to ask mentors, we removed the "help desk" option in order to simplify the page.

Regarding content translation, we are planning an integration! The Language team is starting to roll out the "section translation" capability, which we think will be easier for newcomers than translating full articles (and it works on mobile). The idea would be that users could select "section translation" as a task, and then the feed would list articles that need sections translated. When the newcomer selects an article, it would take them to the Content Translation tool. How does that sound? Do you think that would work well?

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)


Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Current state of the Homepage

I think you don't see the Impact module. But this module is default. Can you compare with the screenshot?

The "ask the help desk" button is supposed to be displayed on the help panel, not on the Homepage. Maybe you found an out-of-date information on a project page. Do you have a link to it?

Create a new article is a very often requested task. As a volunteer mentor on French Wikipedia, I got this question every 3 questions. The goal with this greyed box is to encourage newcomers to do the other tasks beforehand. We kept this box as a placeholder, and as an encouragement to do the other tasks. Plus, on wikis where the tools are active, there is a link that goes to the local article wizard.

At the moment, we have no plans regarding the development of things around this box, but we are considering to have something around translations. For now, we are exploring this possibility by asking people who create a new account if they can work on translations. We use the Welcome Survey for this.

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)

I see the "Your impact" module.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Where is your empty space then?

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Ha, yes. So we have the same thing. :)

It is normal. We may have some new modules coming there at some point.

Paloi Sciurala (talkcontribs)

Another possible task:

  • Adding an image
  • Uploading an image
  • Adding a category
  • Creating a category
  • Creating a redirection
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your suggestions.

We are currently working on adding an image.

We have discarded uploading an image, due to the complexity of copyright. Also, we focus on Wikipedia, and uploading images is more a Wikimedia Commons thing.

Concerning the other suggestions, how do you think newcomers will appreciate them?

Reply to "Homepage"