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Topic on Talk:XTools

Articles edited (total)

Seppi333 (talkcontribs)

I'm interested in knowing how many edits I've made pages I've edited in the article namespace. I realize the Top Edits tool could be used to determine this (for most editors) by simply counting the entries; however, since I've edited more than 1000 articles, this list is truncated. I noticed that the Edit Counter tool displays a count of the total pages edited under the "General statistics" heading in Pages edited (total), but not for specific namespaces.

Would it be possible/feasible to add a count of pages edited by namespace to the Edit Counter tool and/or increase the maximum number of pages returned in the Top Edits tool beyond 1000? I imagine the latter would be easier to implement and prefer it over the former since I'm also interested in looking at the frequency distribution of my edits in the article namespace.

Thanks for your consideration.

Seppi333 (talkcontribs)

Also, I realize some editors have edited tens of thousands of pages in the article namespace, so some truncation limit is necessary in the Top Edits tool. It would probably be useful to provide those editors with a summary of the truncated data (this is a third alternative for implementing what I've requested above); i.e., append a statement like either of the following:

  • Limited to the first 1000 entries. Username performed X more edits across N more pages in this namespace.
  • Limited to the first 1000 entries. Username edited N more pages in this namespace.

Summarizing the X number of edits in those N remaining pages isn't really necessary since one could determine that manually (i.e., subtract the total edits in the namespace by the sum the edits in the first 1000 entries), but that would probably be helpful for some.

MusikAnimal (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the suggestions! If Top Edits is the preferred tool, I think the ideal solution would be to paginate the results if there are more than 1,000. This is how the Pages Created tool works. Adding a count of the unique pages edited in a namespace is something a bit easier to do, and I don't think it will be really slow. I have created a ticket for these features at phab:T218531. We also plan to add date range filtering to Top Edits, along with the Edit Counter, which may be helpful in your case. That is tracked at phab:T202552. Regards.

Seppi333 (talkcontribs)

Thanks! I really appreciate it. Filtering the output by date is a novel solution to the truncation problem. Edit: I agree, pagination would be the best way of addressing this.

Anyway, kudos to you guys for creating a really useful set of edit analysis tools.

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