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Topic on Talk:Content translation/V2

McYata (talkcontribs)

I'm working on translation from English to Japanese. Since V1 I had a problem that the reuse reference style such as <ref name="name" /> disappears when I publish an article. Only the first defining refs survives. Actually English ref syntax and Japanese ref syntax are same so I'm fixing refs by copy & paste after the article is published, but this is too troublesome work. I saw the V2 solved some reference trouble so I tried it, then found that reuse refs just disappear before translating (when I touch the right field). Is there any way to reserve reuse refs?

Doc James (talkcontribs)
Doc James (talkcontribs)

Would recommend that you use firefox at this point.

McYata (talkcontribs)
Doc James (talkcontribs)
Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)
McYata (talkcontribs)
Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for confirming the problem is solved, @McYata.

Please, keep using the new version of the tool and reporting any issue you may find!

McYata (talkcontribs)
Doc James (talkcontribs)

We had the problem occur when the meta data for the ref occurred within a template or infobox. I had a tool build for EN WP that moves the reference metadata out of the infobox to solve that part of the issue. Does not look like it played a roll in your current problem though.

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