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Topic on Extension talk:StructuredDiscussions

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Hello, I have following wiki website:

MediaWiki: 1.29.1
PHP:5.6.30 (cgi-fcgi)
MySQL: 5.6.35-81.0

So I have downloaded Flow, add extension to my LocalSettings.php file, run the update.php. And when I go to discussion page flow appears but when I add a topic it cannot be posted to discussion page, instead of it I see see this (when I click post message):

Coud someone tell me how can I fix it? Thank you

YOUR1 (talkcontribs)

You should disable VisualEditor, you can do this by using the following code: $wgFlowEditorList = array('wikitext');

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

I don't have installed Visual Editor at my wiki, an unfortunately provided code didn't resolve a problem (

YOUR1 (talkcontribs)

I've also encountered the issue while not running Visual Editor, that's why you should disable the usage of VE. Also check your console for errors.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

$wgFlowEditorList = array('wikitext'); doesn't helped to resolve a problem. All I have found out from the console is following:

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Class 'ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat' not found in <b>/var/www/u0402490/data/www/wikireshebnik.ru/includes/api/ApiMain.php</b> on line <b>283</b><br />
YOUR1 (talkcontribs)

That's weird, since that class is part of the core. Please check your MW installation.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Ok, just let me know how can I check MW installation, because when the installation was finished I hadn't any messages or errors

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

The problem has been resolved. I have just reuploaded all MW files to my server!

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)


Have you checked if there is any error message in the console?

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

How can I check it in the console?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Fokebox (talkcontribs)

The console informs the following: unreachable code after return statement[Details] load.php:432:774 This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "es5-shim". Use of the "es5-shim" module is deprecated since MediaWiki 1.29.0 load.php:1:74

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hmm, those are (harmless) warnings, not errors.

If you open the console before you click the "add topic" button, do you see any errors/messages appear while you click?

Also, did you download the version of Flow that is appropriate for MW 1.29? The latest version of Flow may not work with 1.29.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

This is the message at the console before I click button "Add topic":

unreachable code after return statement[Подробнее] load.php:432:774 This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "es5-shim". Use of the "es5-shim" module is deprecated since MediaWiki 1.29.0 load.php:1:74

I tried to install version Flow for 1.28, but it doesn't work at all

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Strange. The version of Flow for 1.29 (not 1.28) is what you should use, sorry if that wasn't clear.

The messages you pasted are all harmless warnings, so the console isn't telling us what's going wrong.

I now see that there's an empty red box above the editor, that's where the error message is supposed to go. It's possible to debug this, but it'll be a bit more complicated:

  1. Do everything you need to do to create a topic, except actually clicking the button
  2. Open the inspector/console
  3. Go to the "Network" tab
  4. Click the "Add topic" button
  5. A new entry should appear in the console. Click it
  6. On the right-hand side, click the "Response" tab. You should see text there; please copy that text and send it to me.
  7. If there is no text in the "Response" tab, copy the "Headers" tab instead (but send that to me privately, it can contain login information)

Here's a screenshot of what you should expect to see (if you use Chrome).

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

I do use Flow version for 1.29 ) OK, I"ll try to do the described steps and let you know about the result.

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thanks for bearing with me. I'm just about to go to bed now, but I'll look at the results when I'm at work tomorrow.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Hi! I tried to do all the steps and has this result: And I have following Error displayed at response tab:

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Class 'ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat' not found in <b>/var/www/u0402490/data/www/wikireshebnik.ru/includes/api/ApiMain.php</b> on line <b>283</b><br />